List of authors of South African botanical taxa

List of authors of South African botanical taxa is a list of authors who have named South African plants and the standard abbreviations used for those authors in the botanical literature.

The entry for each author is given on a single line showing their name, dates and other names by which they have been known. Following this comes a list of the major groups they have worked on, separated by commas, and finally the standard form for their name (in bold).

The major groups are


The dates given are those of birth and death where one or both are available. If neither is known, a date on which the author is known to have published a name (usually the earliest if more than one is known) is given preceded by 'fl.' (floruit).

  • Noel Rosa Urton (née Bryant)(fl. 1986) S ........ Urton

See also



  1. ^ "Professor D.T. Cole (1922 - 2018)". Sunday Standard. 16 December 2018. Archived from the original on 16 December 2018.
  2. ^ "Mogg, Albert Oliver Dean". Global Plants. JStor. Retrieved 2 March 2018.

Further reading
