Leena Katriina Lehtolainen (born 11 March 1964) is a Finnish crime novelist, best known for her series of novels about the policewoman Maria Kallio.

Leena Lehtolainen in 2010

Lehtolainen was born in Vesanto, in the Northern Savonia region of Finland. Her first novel was released when she was only 12 years old. She studied literature in Helsinki until 1995 and has been writing crime novels since 1993. Since about 2007 she has written other genres of books. Her works have been translated into numerous languages, including Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Lithuanian, Polish, French, Swedish, German, Estonian and Czech. Leena Lehtolainen is married to Mikko Lensu and she has two children (Konsta Johannes, born in 1991 and Otso Olavi born in 1994). She lives in Degerby, west of Helsinki.

Awards and honours


Lehtolainen won the Finnish crime novel society yearly prize in 1997 and 1998. She received the Espoo city Award of Arts in 2000, and was nominated for the Glass Key award in 2003. In 2020 she received the national Pro Finlandia medal for her artistic merits.[1]


  • Ja äkkiä onkin toukokuu (1976)
  • Kitara on rakkauteni (1981)
  • Ensimmäinen murhani (1993) (published in UK as My First Murder, 2012)
  • Harmin paikka (1994)
  • Kuparisydän (1995) (published in UK as Copper Heart, 2013)
  • Luminainen (1996)
  • Kuolemanspiraali (1997)
  • Tuulen puolella (1998)
  • Tappava säde (1999)
  • Ennen lähtöä (2000)
  • Sukkanauhatyttö ja muita tarinoita (2001)
  • Kun luulit unohtaneesi (2002)
  • Veren vimma (2003)
  • Jonakin onnellisena päivänä (2004)
  • Rivo Satakieli (2005)
  • Viimeinen kesäyö ja muita tarinoita (2006)
  • Luonas en ollutkaan (2007)
  • Väärän jäljillä (2008)
  • Henkivartija (2009)
  • Minne tytöt kadonneet (2010)
  • Oikeuden jalopeura (2011)
  • Paholaisen pennut (2012)
  • Rautakolmio (2013)
  • Kuusi kohtausta Sadusta (2014)
  • Surunpotku (2015)
  • Tiikerinsilmä (2016)
  • Viattomuuden loppu (2017)
  • Tappajan tyttöystävä ja muita rikoksia (2018)
  • Valapatto (2019)
  • Jälkikaiku (2020)
  • Ilvesvaara (2021)
  • Joulupukin suudelma (2021)
  • Antti Ruuskanen – Rätingin paikka (2022)


  1. ^ "Pro Finlandia -mitali muun muassa Ulla Tapaniselle, Aulikki Oksaselle ja Tuomas Kyrölle". hs.fi. 2020-12-02. Retrieved 2022-07-13.