Kurdish villages depopulated by Turkey

The number of Kurdish villages depopulated by Turkey is estimated at around 3,000. Since 1984, the Turkish military has embarked on a campaign to eradicate the Kurdistan Workers Party; by the year 2000, some 30,000 people had died and two million Kurdish refugees had been driven out of their homes into cities.[1][2]

A previously depopulated Kurdish village; Ulaş, in Dargeçit District



Until the 1970s, about 70% of the Kurdish population of Turkish Kurdistan inhabited one of the approximately 20,000 Kurdish villages.[3] But by 1985, only 58% of the population were still living in the rural areas and much of the countryside in Kurdish populated regions had been depopulated by the Turkish government,[3] with Kurdish civilians moving to local centers such as Diyarbakır, Van, and Şırnak, as well as to the cities of western Turkey and even to western Europe. The causes of the depopulation were in most cases the Turkish state's military operations and to a lesser extent attacks by the PKK on villages it deemed defended by collaborators of the Turkish Government.[3] Often Kurds had to decide whether to become a member of the state-sponsored Village Guards, be deported or else they could face attacks by the PKK.[4] Human Rights Watch has documented many instances where the Turkish military forcibly evacuated villages, destroying houses and equipment to prevent the return of the inhabitants.[4] An estimated 3,000 Kurdish villages in Southeast Anatolia[3] were virtually wiped from the map, representing the displacement of more than 378,000 people.[4] During the 1990s, the Turkish military reportedly deployed the US manufactured helicopters Sikorsky and Cobra to drive out the Kurdish population from the villages.[5]

Depopulated and demolished towns and villages


According to the Humanitarian Law Project, 2,400 Kurdish villages have been destroyed and 18,000 Kurds have been executed by the Turkish government. Other estimates have put the number of destroyed Kurdish villages at over 4,000. In total, up to 3,000,000 people (mainly Kurds) have been displaced.[6]

The Kurdish Human Rights Project divides the depopulation (evacuation) of villages in 5 phases.[7]

  • The initial phase between 1985 and 1989
  • The phase of centralization during 1990–1991
  • the phase of the systematic village evacuation between 1992 and 1993
  • the phase of the escalation of the village evacuation in 1994
  • between 1995 and 2001, further villages were depopulated

An estimated 1,000,000 people are still internally displaced as of 2009.[8]





Government compensation


The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre stated in 2009 that the Turkish government has taken "notable" steps to address the internal displacement situation. These include commissioning a national survey on the number and conditions of IDPs, drafting a national IDP strategy, adopting law on compensation, and putting together a comprehensive pilot action plan in Van Province and 13 other south-eastern provinces addressing rural and urban situations of displacement.[8]

Depopulated villages (as of 2023)


List of villages which have been depopulated as of 2023:[9]

Province District Village Province District Village
Şırnak Province Beytüşşebap Dilekyolu Hakkari Şemdinli Ayranlı
Dönmezler Çevre
Kovankaya (Assyrian) Meşelik
Tuzluca Yüksekova Ikiyaka
Yenice Yazılı
Cizre Aşağıdere Pirinçeken
Güçlükonak Bulmuşlar Çukurca Çağlayan
Çetinkaya Çayırlı
Erdurdu Çınarlı
Eskikapı Dede
Kırkağaç Işıklı
Özbaşoğlu Kavaklı
Yenidemir Kavuşak
İdil Ozan Kurudere
Yaylaköy Siirt Eruh Narlıdere
Silopi Ballıkaya Pervari Medrese
Derebaşı Bitlis Bitlis Esenburun
Düzalan Batman Hasankeyf Gaziler
Karacaköy Bingöl Adaklı Maltepe
Koyunören Kiğı Çomak
Uyanık Mardin Dargeçit Ormaniçi
Yazıköy Nusaybin Değirmencik
Şırnak Alkemer Kaleli
Anılmış Ömerli Dönërdere
Uludere Akduman

Villages repopulated after 2007


List of villages that have been repopulated after 2007:

Province District Village Info
Batman Gercüş Cevizli Unpopulated until 2016[9]
Kozluk Kolludere Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Hasankeyf Palamut Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Bingöl Yedisu Akımlı Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Yayladere Alınyazı Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Kiğı Baklalı Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Yayladere Bilekkaya Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Yayladere Boğazköy Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Adaklı Cevizli Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Yayladere Çatalkaya Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Yayladere Gökçedal Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Kiğı İlbeyi Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Yayladere Kırköy Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Kiğı Kutluca Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Yayladere Yavuztaş Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Kiğı Yukarıserinyer Unpopulated until 2012[9]
Bitlis Tatvan Anadere Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Bitlis Aşağıbalcılar Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Tatvan Çavuşlar Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Bitlis Ilıcak Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Bitlis Kayalıbağ Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Bitlis Kınalı Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Tatvan Odabaşı Unpopulated until 2012[9]
Bitlis Oğulcak Unpopulated until 2022[9]
Bitlis Sarpkaya Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Bitlis Uçankuş Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Bitlis Üçevler Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Diyarbakır Ergani Devletkuşu Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Çınar Gürses Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Ergani Kavurmaküpü Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Dicle Kırkpınar Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Dicle Kurşunlu Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Bismil Kurudeğirmen Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Dicle Taşağıl Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Lice Yolçatı Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Erzurum Hınıs Ilıcaköy Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Hakkari Hakkari Aksu Unpopulated until 2015[9]
Çukurca Cevizli Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Çukurca Kazan Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Yüksekova Sürekli Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Hakkari Yoncalı Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Iğdır Aralık Tarlabaşı Unpopulated until 2022[9]
Mardin Dargeçit Akçaköy Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Derik Bağarası Unpopulated until 2023[9]
Dargeçit Çavuşlu Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Dargeçit Korucu Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Dargeçit Kumdere Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Dargeçit Kuşluca Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Midyat Oyuklu Unpopulated until 2012[9]
Nusaybin Pazarköy Unpopulated until 2016[9]
Nusaybin Tekağaç Unpopulated until 2022[9]
Ömerli Topağaç Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Dargeçit Ulaş Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Midyat Yenice Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Siirt Eruh Akmeşe Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Siirt Bağlıca Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Eruh Bingöl Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Şirvan Cevizdalı Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Eruh Kovanağzı Unpopulated until 2023[9]
Siirt Yazlıca Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Eruh Yanılmaz Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Şırnak Güçlükonak Ağaçyurdu Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Silopi Aksu (Assyrian) Unpopulated until 2019[9]
Şırnak Atbaşı Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Şırnak Bağpınar Unpopulated until 2018[9]
Güçlükonak Demirboğaz Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Beytüşşebap Doğanyol Unpopulated until 2016[9]
Şırnak Kırkkuyu Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Şırnak Körüklükaya Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Silopi Kösreli (Assyrian) Unpopulated until 2015[9]
İdil Mağaraköy Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Güçlükonak Taşkonak Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Beytüşşebap Toptepe Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Silopi Selçik Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Silopi Yolağzı Unpopulated until 2019[9]
Şırnak Cevizdüzü Unpopulated until 2023[9]
Tunceli Ovacık Ağaçpınar Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Pülümür Ağaşenliği Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Pülümür Akdik Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Ovacık Aktaş Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Pülümür Altınhüseyin Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Ovacık Aşlıca Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Tunceli Babaocağı Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Ovacık Bilekli Unpopulated until 2015[9]
Ovacık Bilgeç Unpopulated until 2018[9]
Hozat Boydaş Unpopulated until 2018[9]
Ovacık Buzlutepe Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Pülümür Çağlayan Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Tunceli Çalkıran Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Ovacık Çambulak Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Ovacık Çatköy Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Ovacık Çayüstü Unpopulated until 2012[9]
Tunceli Dikenli Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Tunceli Dilek Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Nazımiye Doğantaş Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Ovacık Doludibek Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Pülümür Efeağılı Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Ovacık Eğimli Unpopulated until 2012[9]
Ovacık Eğrikavak Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Tunceli Eğriyamaç Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Ovacık Elgazi Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Ovacık Eskigedik Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Ovacık Garipuşağı Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Tunceli Gözen Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Ovacık Halitpınar Unpopulated until 2015[9]
Ovacık Işıkvuran Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Ovacık Karataş Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Pülümür Kaymaztepe Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Hozat Kızılmescit Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Ovacık Koruköy Unpopulated until 2018[9]
Hozat Kozluca Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Hozat Kurukaymak Unpopulated until 2022[9]
Ovacık Kuşluca Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Ovacık Otlubahçe Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Tunceli Pınar Unpopulated until 2008[9]
Ovacık Şahverdi Unpopulated until 2012[9]
Pülümür Şampaşakaraderbendi Unpopulated until 2009[9]
Ovacık Tepsili Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Ovacık Yakatarla Unpopulated until 2011[9]
Ovacık Yalmanlar Unpopulated until 2013[9]
Ovacık Yarımkaya Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Ovacık Yoğunçam Unpopulated until 2014[9]
Hozat Yüceldi Unpopulated until 2010[9]
Van Gürpınar Bükeç Unpopulated until 2009[9]

See also



  1. ^ Ferhad Ibrahim, Gülistan Gürbey. The Kurdish conflict in Turkey: obstacles and chances for peace and democracy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2000. pg. 167. ISBN 0-312-23629-8
  2. ^ Dahlman, Carl. The Political Geography of Kurdistan Archived 2008-10-03 at the Wayback Machine pg. 11
  3. ^ a b c d O'Shea, Maria T. (2004). Trapped Between the Map and Reality: Geography and Perceptions of Kurdistan. Routledge. p. 160. ISBN 978-0-415-94766-4.
  4. ^ a b c "Still critical". Human Rights Watch. March 2005. p. 3. Retrieved 2007-09-12.
  5. ^ McKiernan, Kevin (1999-03-01). "Turkey's War on the Kurds". Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 55 (2): 26–37. doi:10.2968/055002008. ISSN 0096-3402.
  6. ^ Gunter, Michael M. (1998-09-01). "An Interview with the PKK's Ocalan". Journal of Conflict Studies. ISSN 1715-5673.
  7. ^ Jongerden, Joost (2007-05-28). The Settlement Issue in Turkey and the Kurds: An Analysis of Spatial Policies, Modernity and War. BRILL. p. 82. ISBN 978-90-474-2011-8.
  8. ^ a b Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) – Norwegian Refugee Council. "Need for continued improvement in response to protracted displacement". Internal-displacement.org. Archived from the original on 31 January 2011. Retrieved 15 April 2011.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du "Address Based Population Registration System Results". Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (in Turkish). Retrieved 15 February 2023.