In coding theory, Justesen codes form a class of error-correcting codes that have a constant rate, constant relative distance, and a constant alphabet size.

Binary Justesen Codes
Named afterJørn Justesen
TypeLinear block code
Block length
Message length
Distance where for small .
Alphabet size2
constant rate, constant relative distance, constant alphabet size

Before the Justesen error correction code was discovered, no error correction code was known that had all of these three parameters as a constant.

Subsequently, other ECC codes with this property have been discovered, for example expander codes. These codes have important applications in computer science such as in the construction of small-bias sample spaces.

Justesen codes are derived as the code concatenation of a Reed–Solomon code and the Wozencraft ensemble.

The Reed–Solomon codes used achieve constant rate and constant relative distance at the expense of an alphabet size that is linear in the message length.

The Wozencraft ensemble is a family of codes that achieve constant rate and constant alphabet size, but the relative distance is only constant for most of the codes in the family.

The concatenation of the two codes first encodes the message using the Reed–Solomon code, and then encodes each symbol of the codeword further using a code from the Wozencraft ensemble – using a different code of the ensemble at each position of the codeword.

This is different from usual code concatenation where the inner codes are the same for each position. The Justesen code can be constructed very efficiently using only logarithmic space.



The Justesen code is the concatenation of an   outer code   and different   inner codes  , for .

More precisely, the concatenation of these codes, denoted by  , is defined as follows. Given a message  , we compute the codeword produced by an outer code  :  .

Then we apply each code of N linear inner codes to each coordinate of that codeword to produce the final codeword; that is,  .

Look back to the definition of the outer code and linear inner codes, this definition of the Justesen code makes sense because the codeword of the outer code is a vector with   elements, and we have   linear inner codes to apply for those   elements.

Here for the Justesen code, the outer code   is chosen to be Reed Solomon code over a field   evaluated over   of rate  ,   <   <  .

The outer code   have the relative distance   and block length of  . The set of inner codes is the Wozencraft ensemble  .

Property of Justesen code


As the linear codes in the Wonzencraft ensemble have the rate  , Justesen code is the concatenated code   with the rate  . We have the following theorem that estimates the distance of the concatenated code  .



Let   Then   has relative distance of at least  



In order to prove a lower bound for the distance of a code   we prove that the Hamming distance of an arbitrary but distinct pair of codewords has a lower bound. So let   be the Hamming distance of two codewords   and  . For any given


we want a lower bound for  

Notice that if  , then  . So for the lower bound  , we need to take into account the distance of  



Recall that   is a Wozencraft ensemble. Due to "Wonzencraft ensemble theorem", there are at least   linear codes   that have distance   So if for some   and the code   has distance   then


Further, if we have   numbers   such that   and the code   has distance   then


So now the final task is to find a lower bound for  . Define:


Then   is the number of linear codes   having the distance  

Now we want to estimate   Obviously  .

Due to the Wozencraft Ensemble Theorem, there are at most   linear codes having distance less than   so


Finally, we have


This is true for any arbitrary  . So   has the relative distance at least   which completes the proof.



We want to consider the "strongly explicit code". So the question is what the "strongly explicit code" is. Loosely speaking, for linear code, the "explicit" property is related to the complexity of constructing its generator matrix G.

That in effect means that we can compute the matrix in logarithmic space without using the brute force algorithm to verify that a code has a given satisfied distance.

For the other codes that are not linear, we can consider the complexity of the encoding algorithm.

So by far, we can see that the Wonzencraft ensemble and Reed-Solomon codes are strongly explicit. Therefore, we have the following result:

Corollary: The concatenated code   is an asymptotically good code(that is, rate   > 0 and relative distance   > 0 for small q) and has a strongly explicit construction.

An example of a Justesen code


The following slightly different code is referred to as the Justesen code in MacWilliams/MacWilliams. It is the particular case of the above-considered Justesen code for a very particular Wonzencraft ensemble:

Let R be a Reed-Solomon code of length N = 2m − 1, rank K and minimum weight N − K + 1.

The symbols of R are elements of F = GF(2m) and the codewords are obtained by taking every polynomial ƒ over F of degree less than K and listing the values of ƒ on the non-zero elements of F in some predetermined order.

Let α be a primitive element of F. For a codeword a = (a1, ..., aN) from R, let b be the vector of length 2N over F given by


and let c be the vector of length 2N m obtained from b by expressing each element of F as a binary vector of length m. The Justesen code is the linear code containing all such c.

The parameters of this code are length 2m N, dimension m K and minimum distance at least


where   is the greatest integer satisfying  . (See MacWilliams/MacWilliams for a proof.)

See also



  • Lecture 28: Justesen Code. Coding theory's course. Prof. Atri Rudra.
  • Lecture 6: Concatenated codes. Forney codes. Justesen codes. Essential Coding Theory.
  • J. Justesen (1972). "A class of constructive asymptotically good algebraic codes". IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory. 18 (5): 652–656. doi:10.1109/TIT.1972.1054893.
  • F.J. MacWilliams; N.J.A. Sloane (1977). The Theory of Error-Correcting Codes. North-Holland. pp. 306–316. ISBN 0-444-85193-3.