- "The Bible in the Electronic Age,” in Oxford Handbook of the Bible in America (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).
- “Transforming Practice: American Bible Reading in Digital Culture,” in The Bible in American Life (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming)
- “The American Theological Library Association (ATLA) as Community of Faith: Surveying Members’ Relationship to Religious Faith.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2015, Forthcoming)
- “Libraries, Makerspaces, and Constructionist Learning: The Maker Lab at Abilene Christian University.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2014)
- “TCAL Task Force on Shared Print Collections: Report to the Board of the Texas Council of Academic Libraries (TCAL).” June 2, 2014.
- “The Theological Library in the Age of Technology.” In Trust Magazine (Summer 2013).
- “Trust in Libraries: 2012 ATLA Presidential Address.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2012)
- “Technology for ministry: pedagogy for theological practices with new media.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2011): 195-196.
- “Accordance Bible Software in Reading and Teaching: The Difference a Digital Text Makes.” Advances in the Study of Information and Religion 1 (2011): 225-231.
- “BibleWorks Software in Reading and Teaching: The Difference a Digital Text Makes.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2010).
- “Theological Libraries and The Next Christendom: Connecting North American Theological Education to Uses of the Book in the Global South,” Theological Librarianship 1.2 (Winter 2008): 38-48.
- “The Noble and Good Heart: Kalokagathia in Luke’s Parable of the Sower,” in Scripture and Traditions: Essays on Early Judaism and Christianity in Honor of Carl R. Holladay. Edited by Patrick Gray and Gail R. O'Day. Leiden: Brill, 2008, 151-171.
- “Narratives of Reading in Luke-Acts,” in Theological Librarianship 1.1 (June 2008): 22-37.
- “New Faces, New Readers: Uses of the Book in the “Next Christendom,” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2008).
- “Inspiring Places: Cultivating a Culture of Customer Service in Theological Libraries,” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2008).
- “Assessing the Reference Librarian as a Collaborative Knowledge Worker.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2007).
- “Raising the Standard: Library Workshops and the Requirements for ATS Accreditation.” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2007).
- “Special Collections and the Seeds of Virtue and Knowledge,” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2006): 207-13.
- “Search Engines, Databases, and the Contexts of Information Literacy Instruction,” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2006): 234-40.
- “Models for Information Literacy,” ATLA Summary of Proceedings (2005): 159.
- “Teaching the Unity of Luke-Acts,” Pages 330-331 in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Edited by Mark Roncace and Patrick Gray. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005.
- “The Nature of History in Acts of the Apostles,” Pages 335-336 in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Edited by Mark Roncace and Patrick Gray. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2005.