Indrid Cold (also known as the Grinning Man) is a mysterious legendary being believed to be connected to the Mothman, first encountered by Woodrow Derenberger, as reported in the John Keel nonfiction book The Mothman Prophecies. He is described as being a humanoid entity, claiming extraterrestrial origin, with an inhumanly large smile on his face.[1][2]


Indrid Cold appears as a character in The Mothman Prophecies, a film based on John Keel's book. He has also been depicted as a character in other works of fiction, such as the podcast The Adventure Zone,[3] the video game Fallout 76, the trading card game MetaZoo,[4] and the comic book The Department of Truth. Another character named Mystery Man from the film Lost Highway is loosely based on Indrid Cold.


  1. ^ Keel, J. 1975. The Mothman Prophecies. New York: Saturday Review Press and E. P. Dutton. 269 pp. ISBN 0-8415-0355-9.
  2. ^ Carey, Liz (December 3, 2021). "Local Lore: Woodrow Derenberger and the Legend of Indrid Cold". The Daily Yonder. Retrieved November 19, 2024.
  3. ^ "Amnesty: Episode 14". MAXIMUMFUN. August 24, 2018. Retrieved November 19, 2024.
  4. ^ "MetaZoo HQ • MetaZoo's Frequently Asked Questions". MetaZoo HQ. Retrieved 2023-08-30.