Hundred Flowers Award for Best Picture

The Hundred Flowers Award for Best Picture was first awarded by the China Film Association in 1962.

Winners and nominees



Year Number Film Director
2018 34th Operation Red Sea Dante Lam
Runner-up: The Founding of an Army Andrew Lau
Soul Mate Derek Tsang
Wolf Warrior 2 Wu Jing
Detective Chinatown 2 Chen Sicheng
2016 33rd The Dead End Cao Baoping
Mai Jiao
Runner-up: Wolf Warrior Wu Jing
Mojin: The Lost Legend Wuershan
Monster Hunt Raman Hui
Goodbye Mr. Loser Yan Fei
Peng Damo
2014 32nd The Grandmaster Wong Kar-wai
Runner-up: American Dreams in China Peter Chan
Runner-up: The Story of Zhou Enlai Chen Li
So Young Zhao Wei
Finding Mr. Right Xue Xiaolu
2012 31st Aftershock Feng Xiaogang
Runner-up: Love is Not Blind Teng Huatao
Runner-up: 1911 Jackie Chan
Zhang Li
Go Lala Go! Xu Jinglei
The Founding of a Party Huang Jianxin
Han Sanping
2010 30th[1] The Founding of a Republic\建国大业 Han Sanping 韩三平
Huang Jianxin 黄建新
Runner-up: Mulan\花木兰 Jingle Ma 马楚成
Runner-up: Stands Still, The Last Great Wall\惊天动地 Wang Jia 王珈
Shen Dong 沈东
Bodyguards and Assassins\十月围城 Teddy Chan 陈德森
The Message\风声 Gao Qunshu 高群书


Year Number Film Director
2008 29th[2] Assembly\集结号 Feng Xiaogang 冯小刚
Runner-up: The Knot\云水谣 Yin Li 尹力
Runner-up: Invisible Wings\隐形的翅膀 Feng Zhenzhi 冯振志
Crazy Stone\疯狂的石头 Ning Hao 宁浩
Tokyo Trial\东京审判 Gao Qunshu 高群书
2006 28th[3] Zhang Side\张思德 Yin Li 尹力
Runner-up: Kung Fu Hustle\功夫 Stephen Chow 周星驰
Runner-up: Between Life and Death\生死牛玉儒 Zhou Youzhao 周有召
Fearless\霍元甲 Ronny Yu 于仁泰
New Police Story\新警察故事 Benny Chan 陈木胜
2004 27th[4] Cell Phone\手机 Feng Xiaogang 冯小刚
Runner-up: Warm Spring\暖春 Tana Wulan
Runner-up: A SARS Journey\惊心动魄 Wang Jia 王珈
Shen Dong 沈东
Warriors of Heaven and Earth\天地英雄 He Ping 何平
Goddess of Mercy\玉观音 Ann Hui 许鞍华
38 Degrees\三十八度 Liu Xin 刘新
Sunny Courtyard\阳光天井 Huang Hong 黄宏
Sound of Colors\地下铁 Joe Ma 马伟豪
The Law of Romance\警察有约 Xu Geng 徐耿
Shining Season\灿烂的季节 Song Jiangbo 宋江波
2002 25th A Young Prisoner's Revenge\法官妈妈 Mu Teyuan
25 Kids and a Dad\二十五个孩子一个爹 Huang Hong
Big Shot's Funeral\大腕 Feng Xiaogang
2000 24th The Road Home\我的父亲母亲 Zhang Yimou
Lover's Grief over the Yellow River\黄河绝恋 Feng Xiaoning
National Anthem\国歌 Wu Ziniu


Ceremony Year Title S. Chinese Title Director
3rd 1980 Ji Hongchang 吉鸿昌 Li Guanghui
Tearstains 泪痕 Li Wenhua
Little Flower 小花 Zhang Zheng
4th 1981 Romance on Lushan Mountain 庐山恋 Huang Zhumo
Legend of the Tianyun Mountain 天云山传奇 Xie Jin
The Seventh-Rank Sesame Seed-Sized Official 七品芝麻官 Xie Tian
5th 1982 In-Laws 喜盈门 Zhao Huanzhang
Longing for My Native Country 乡情 Hu Bingliu,
Wang Jin
The White Snake aka Legend of the White Snake 白蛇传 Fu Chaowu
6th 1983 At Middle Age 人到中年 Wang Qiming,
Sun Yu
The Herdsman 牧马人 Xie Jin,
Huang Shuqin
Rickshaw Boy 骆驼祥人 Ling Zifeng
7th 1984 Our Niu Baisui 咱们的牛百岁 Zhao Huanzhang
Ward 16 十六号病房 Zhang Yuan,
Yu Yanfu
The Story Should Not Have Happened 不该发生的故事 Zhang Hui
8th 1985 Wreaths at the Foot of the Mountain 高山下的花环 Xie Jin
The Girl in Red 红衣少女 Lu Xiaoya
Life 人生 Wu Tianming
9th 1986 Juvenile Delinquents 少年犯 Zhang Liang
Sunrise 日出 Yu Benzheng
Our Retired Veterans 咱们的退伍兵 Zhao Huanzhang
10th 1987 Dr. Sun Yat-sen 孙中山 Ding Yinnan
Hibiscus Town 芙蓉镇 Xie Jin
The Battle of Tai'erzhuang 血战台儿庄 Yang Guangyuan,
Zhai Junjie
11th 1988 Red Sorghum 紅高梁 Zhang Yimou
Old Well 老井 Wu Tianming
The Savage Land 原野 Ling Zi
12th 1989 Chun Tao alias A Woman for Two 春桃 Ling Zifeng
The Village of Widows 寡妇村 Wang Jin
The Republic Will Never Forget 共和国不会忘记 Zhai Junjie
13th 1990 Founding Ceremony (aka. After the Final Battle) 开国大典 Li Qiankuan,
Xiao Guiyun
Black Snow 本命年 Xie Fei
The Kunlun Column 巍巍昆仑 Hao Guang,
Jing Mukui
14th 1991 Jiao Yulu 焦裕祿 Wang Jixing
Dragon Year Cops 龙年警官 Huang Jianzhong,
Li Ziyu
Peking Duck Restaurant 老店 Gu Rong
15th 1992 Decisive Engagement: The Liaoxi Shenyang Campaign 大决战 Li Jun
Zhou Enlai 周恩来 Ding Yinnan
The Spring Festival 过年 Huang Jianzhong
16th 1993 Raise the Red Lantern 大红灯笼高高挂 Zhang Yimou
The Story of Qiu Ju 秋菊打官司 Zhang Yimou
Yang Guifei 杨贵妃 Lin Jialin
17th 1994 Country Teachers 凤凰琴 He Qun
Chongqing Negotiation 重庆谈判 Li Qiankuan,
Xiao Guiyun,
Zhang Yifei
An Artillery Major 炮兵少校 Zhao Weiheng
18th 1995 The Accused Uncle Shangang 被告山杠爷 Fan Yuan
Probation within the Village 留村查看 Lei Xianhe,
Wang Xingdong
A Fatherless Girl 一个独生女的故事 Guo Lin
19th 1996 Red Cherry 红樱桃 Ye Daying
The July 7th Incident 七七事变 Li Xiankuan,
Xiao Guiyun
The Strangers in Beijing 混在北京 He Qun
20th 1997 Red River Valley aka A Tale of the Sacred Mountain 红河谷 Feng Xiaoning
The Breakthrough 2 大转折 Wei Lian
Days Without a Hero 离开雷锋的日子 Lei Xianhe,
Kang Ning
21st 1998 The Dream Factory 甲方乙方 Feng Xiaogang
Jiang Feng
The Opium War 鸦片战争 Xie Jin
The Long March 长征 Zhai Junjie
22nd 1999 Male Sorority Director 男妇女主任 Zhang Huizhong
The Matchmaker 红娘 Huang Jianzhong
Not One Less 一个都不能少 Zhang Yimou


Year Number Film Director
1964 3nd
1963 2nd[5] Li Shuangshuang\李双双 Lu Ren 鲁韧
1962 1st[6] The Red Detachment of Women\红色娘子兵 Xie Jin 谢晋


  1. ^ (in Chinese) Nominees of 30th Hundred Flowers Awards Archived 2011-07-23 at the Wayback Machine 21 Sept 2010.
  2. ^ (in Chinese) Nominees of 29th Hundred Flowers Awards Archived 2011-07-11 at the Wayback Machine 15 August 2008.
  3. ^ (in Chinese) Nominees of 28th Hundred Flowers Awards Archived 2011-07-23 at the Wayback Machine 22 Sep 2006.
  4. ^ (in Chinese) Nominees of 27th Hundred Flowers Awards 09 Sep 2004.
  5. ^ (in Chinese) N历届百花奖的获奖名单 28 August 2008.
  6. ^ (in Chinese) N中国第一届电影“百花奖” Archived 2012-03-12 at the Wayback Machine 20 May 2010.