Horn (Chinese constellation)

The Horn mansion (角宿, pinyin: Jiǎo Xiù) is one of the Twenty-eight mansions of the Chinese constellations. It is one of the eastern mansions of the Azure Dragon.[1]

Jiǎo Xiù map


English name Chinese name European constellation Number of stars Representing
Horn Virgo 2 Azure Dragon's angle
Flat Road 平道 Virgo 2 Officer's road
Celestial Farmland 天田 Virgo 2 The son of heaven
Recommending Virtuous Men 進賢 Virgo 1 (+9) The recommended virtuous men
Tripod of the Zhou 周鼎 Coma Berenices 3 The God Tripod or imperial power
Celestial Gate 天門 Virgo 2 The door of the zodiac
Justice Hydra 2 Judge prison decree
Arsenal 庫樓 Centaurus 10 The armory
Pillars Centaurus/Lupus 11 Pillars which support the library floor
Railings Centaurus 4 Hall side railings where soldiers practice
Southern Gate 南門 Centaurus 2 Library House South Gate


  1. ^ 陳久金 (July 2005). 《中國星占揭秘》. 三民書局. ISBN 957-14-4263-1.