Hala Pionir Beograd is a concert album by the Bosnian folk singer Halid Bešlić. It was released in 1988. A remastered version, named Iz sve snage (With All the Strength), was released in 1998 by Naraton.
- Neću, neću dijamante (I Don't Want, I Don't Want Diamonds)
- Vraćam se majci u Bosnu (I Am Returning to my Mother in Bosnia)
- Sjećam se (I Remember)
- Zlatne strune (Golden String)
- Jabuke su bile slatke (The Apples Were Sweet)
- Prokleta je žena ta (That Woman is Greedy)
- Otrov mi dajte (Give Me Poison)
- U plamenu jedne vatre (In the Flame of One Fire)
- Gitara i čaša vina (A Guitar and a Glass of Wine)
- Zar si mogla ljubit' njega (How Could You Kiss Him?)
- I zanesen tom ljepotom (Enthralled by Your Beauty)
- Eh, kad bi ti... (If Only You Would)