Gold. is a German experimental short documentary film directed by Alexander Tuschinski. It premiered at the Mykonos Biennale on July 3, 2015[1] and received the Biennale's Golden Pelican Award.[citation needed] It was also shown at Berlin Short Film Festival on July 4, 2015,[2] and was screened in competition at Braunschweig International Film Festival 2015.[3]

Directed byAlexander Tuschinski
Produced byAlexander Tuschinski
CinematographyAlexander Tuschinski
Edited byAlexander Tuschinski
Music byLudwig van Beethoven
Release date
  • July 3, 2015 (2015-07-03) (Greece)
Running time
7 minutes


  1. ^ "Mykonos Biennale 2015: Official program-guide entry for "Gold." - the program-gude omits the full stop at the end of the film's title". Retrieved 21 June 2015..
  2. ^ "Berlin Short Film Festival 2015: Official program-guide". Archived from the original on 8 July 2015. Retrieved 21 June 2015.
  3. ^ "Filmportal: Data about the film (German)". Retrieved 10 June 2016.