Foldaskóli is a compulsory school in Reykjavík, Iceland, educating students in years 1 through 10. It was built to serve the then new suburban neighbourhood of Grafarvogur. The school opened in an unfinished building in 1985. The national curriculum in Innovation Education was developed at the school by two of its teachers.

Construction of the school building was completed in 1991. It consists of three separate units or houses. In 2001–03 the facilities were enlarged with additional classroom space, a new gymnasium and a new cafeteria kitchen.[1] The school was designated a green flag school for environmental awareness and action in 2006 and 2008.[1][2]

Enrollment grew rapidly at first, peaking at approximately 1,200 in 1990. It declined as the local population aged and as other schools were built nearby. In 2012 Foldaskóli became a consolidated school, including students from two areas previously served by their own schools; enrollment in the 2019–20 school year was approximately 500.[1][3]

The head teacher is Kristrún Guðjónsdóttir. Previous head teachers were Arnfinnur Jónsson (1985–1992), Ragnar Gíslason (1992–2002), Kristinn Breiðfjörð Guðmundsson (2002–2016), Ágúst Ólason (2016–2017), Skúli Kristjánsson (2017–2018) and Bára Jóhannsdóttir (2018–2019).[1]

The curriculum for Innovation Education (Icelandic: Nýsköpunarmennt), which is now required in all compulsory schools in Iceland in grades 4 through 7, was developed at Foldaskóli by two teachers, Gísli Þorsteinsson and Rósa Gunnarsdóttir, in 1998–2005.[1][2][4][5] The school is the traditional host for an annual competition in the subject which began in the early 1990s.[6][7]


  1. ^ a b c d e Um skólann: Saga skólans - History of the school, Foldaskóli, retrieved 24 December 2020 (in Icelandic).
  2. ^ a b Foldaskóli og skólahverfi - Foldaskóli and school district, City of Reykjavík (pdf) (in Icelandic).
  3. ^ "Foldaskóli verður safnskóli" - "Foldaskóli to become consolidated school", Morgunblaðið, 3 March 2011 (in Icelandic).
  4. ^ Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir, "Using Knowledge Creatively", Netla—Online Journal on Education, 20 March 2009, retrieved 17 August 2011, archived on 30 March 2012.
  5. ^ Berglind Hallgrímsdóttir and Charlotte Sigurdardóttir, Chapter 4: "The Case of Iceland" in Anders Lundström (ed), Towards an Entrepreneurship Policy: A Nordic Perspective, Örebro: Forum för småföretagsforskning, 2003, ISBN 978-91-89301-15-3, pp. 145–74, p. 154 (pdf), archived on 28 September 2011.
  6. ^ "Þessir ungu krakkar búa yfir ótrúlegu hugmyndaflugi" - "These young folks have incredible imaginations", Morgunblaðið, 17 June 1994: "Foldaskóli er móðurskóli fyrir nýsköpun á Íslandi, en undanfarin 3 ár hefur verið haldin svokölluð nýsköpunarkeppni grunnskólanema." - "Foldaskóli is the parent school for Innovation in Iceland, and for the past 3 years the so-called Compulsory School Pupils' Innovation Contest has been held [there]."
  7. ^ NKG in English, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, retrieved 18 August 2011, archived on 30 March 2012: "[T]he children who achieve distinction are then invited to participate in the workshops that take [place] in Foldaskóli in the autumn."