File:Nuclear power station.svg

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Azərbaycanca: AES ölkələri.
AES istismar edilir, yeni enerji blokları tikilir.
AES istismar edilir, yeni enerji bloklarının tikintisi planlaşdırılır.
AES yoxdur, tikinti mərhələsindədir.
AES yoxdur, tikintisi planlaşdırılır.
AES istismar edilir, yenilərinin tikintisi planlaşdırılmır.
AES istismar edilir, onların miqdarının ixtisarı məsələsinə baxılır.
Vətəndaş nüvə energetikası qanunla qadağan edilmişdir.
AES yoxdur.
Bahasa Indonesia: Peta ini menunjukkan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir komersial di dunia. Reaktor penelitian tidak termasuk.
Mengoperasikan reaktor, membangun reaktor baru
Mengoperasikan reaktor, berencana untuk membangun baru
Tidak punya reaktor, sedang membangun reaktor baru
Tidak punya reaktor, sedang dalam tahap perencanaan
Mengoperasikan reaktor, jumlah tetap
Mengoperasikan reaktor, berencana untuk menutup reaktor lama
Pembangkit listrik nuklir sipil adalah ilegal
Tidak punya reaktor
Čeština: Země světa podle přístupu k jaderným elektrárnám. Výzkumné reaktory nejsou zahrnuty.
Reaktory v provozu, výstavba nových
Reaktory v provozu, nové plánovány
Bez reaktorů, výstavba nových
Bez reaktorů, nové plánovány
Reaktory v provozu, stabilní stav
Reaktory v provozu, postupné uzavírání
Zákaz využívání jaderných reaktorů pro civilní účely
Bez reaktorů
Deutsch: Länder mit Atomkraftwerken.
Laufende Kraftwerke, neue im Bau
Laufende Kraftwerke, neue in Planung
Keine Kraftwerke, neue im Bau
Keine Kraftwerke, neue in Planung
Laufende Kraftwerke, stabil
Laufende Kraftwerke, Ausstieg beschlossen
Zivile Atomkraft illegal
Keine Kraftwerke
Eesti: See kaart näitab kommertseeesmärgil kasutatavate tuumajaamade levikut maailmas.
Tuumajaamad töös ja ehitatakse uusi
Tuumajaamad töös ja plaanitakse uute ehitamist
Tuumajaamasid pole aga ehitatakse preagu
Tuumajaamasid pole aga plaanitakse ehitamist
Tuumajaamad töös ja hetkel puuduvad sulgemise või uute ehitamise plaanid
Tuumajaamad töös aga on otsustatud need sulgeda
Tsiviilostarbeks tuumajaamade rajamine on ebaseaduslik
Tuumajaamad puuduvad ja pole hetkel plaanitud rajada
English: The map shows the commercial nuclear power plants in the world. Research reactors are not considered nuclear power plants.
Operating reactors, building new reactors
Operating reactors, planning new build
No reactors, building new reactors
No reactors, new in planning
Operating reactors, stable
Operating reactors, decided on phase-out
Civil nuclear power is illegal
No reactors
Español: El mapa muestra plantas nucleares en diferentes partes del mundo.
Reactores operando, construyendo nuevos reactores
Reactores operando, planeando futuras construcciones
Sin reactores, construyendo nuevos reactores
Sin reactores, planeando futuras construcciones
Reactores operando, estables
Reactores operando, abolición de la energía nuclear
Energía nuclear ilegal
Sin reactores
Français : Cartographie des réacteurs à énergie nucléaire dans le monde. Les réacteurs de recherche ne sont pas considérés comme réacteurs à énergie nucléaire.
Réacteurs en fonctionnement, construit de nouveaux réacteurs
Réacteurs en fonctionnement, planifie de nouvelles constructions
Pas de réacteurs, construit de nouveaux réacteurs
Pas de réacteurs, planifie de nouvelles constructions
Réacteurs en fonctionnement, stable
Réacteurs en fonctionnement, politique de sortie du nucléaire
Nucléaire civil illégal
Pas de réacteurs
Italiano: La mappa mostra gli impianti nucleari in diverse parti del mondo.
Reattori operativi, costruzione di nuovi impianti
Reattori operativi, pianificazione di nuovi impianti
Senza reattori, costruzione di nuovi impianti
Senza reattori, pianificazione di nuovi impianti
Reattori operanti, stabile
Reattori operanti, disattivazione in fase di decisione
Energia nucleare a fini civili illegale
Senza reattori
Polski: Mapa rozmieszczenia, planów budowy i wyłączeń elektrowni atomowych.
Działające reaktory jądrowe, budowa nowych
Działające reaktory jądrowe, planowana budowa nowych
Brak reaktorów jądrowych, budowa nowych
Brak reaktorów jądrowych, planowana budowa nowych
Działające reaktory jądrowe, brak poczynań odnośnie kolejnych
Działające reaktory jądrowe, rozważanie wyłączenia ich
Cywilna energetyka jądrowa jest nielegalna
Brak reaktorów jądrowych
Português: Países com pt:Central nuclear.
Operando reatores, novos em construção
Operando reatores, planejando novos
Sem reatores, construindo reatores
Sem reatores, planejando construção
Reatores em operação, estável
Reatores em operação, considerando desativação
Energia nuclear para fins civis ilegal
Sem reatores
Română: Harta centralelor nucleare civile din lume. Reactoarele pentru cercetare nu sunt considerate centrale nucleare.
Reactoare în funcțiune, noi reactoare în construcție
Reactoare în funcțiune, noi reactoare planificate
Fără reactoare, noi reactoare în construcție
Fără reactoare, noi reactoare planificate
Reactoare în funcțiune, fără planuri sau construcție de reactoare noi
Reactoare în funcțiune, decizie de închidere a lor
Energia nucleară civilă este interzisă prin lege
Fără reactoare
Slovenčina: Prístup štátov sveta k jadrovým elektrárňam okrem výskumných reaktorov.
Reaktory v prevádzke, výstavba nových
Reaktory v prevádzke, nové v pláne
Bez reaktorov, výstavba nových
Bez reaktorov, nové v pláne
Reaktory v prevádzke
Reaktory v prevádzke, postupné vyraďovanie
Využívanie jadrových reaktorov na civilné účely je zakázané
Bez reaktorov
Slovenščina: Države z jedrskimi elektrarnami.
Delujoče jedrske elektrarne, nove v gradnji
Delujoče jedrske elektrarne, nove načrtujejo
Ni delujočih jedrskih elektrarn, nove v gradnji
Ni delujočih jedrskih elektrarn, nove načrtujejo
Delujoče jedrske elektrarne, ne načrtujejo sprememb
Delujoče jedrske elektrarne, načrtujejo opustitev jedrske energije
Civilna uporaba jedrske energije je nezakonita
Ni jedrskih elektrarn
Suomi: Ydinvoima eri valtioissa.
Ydinvoimaloita käytössä, uusia reaktoreita rakenteilla
Ydinvoimaloita käytössä, uusia reaktoreita suunnitteilla
Ei olemassaolevia ydinvoimaloita, mutta niitä on rakenteilla
Ei olemassaolevia ydinvoimaloita, mutta niitä on suunnitteilla
Ydinvoimaloita käytössä, tilanne vakaa
Ydinvoimaloita käytössä, vähentämistä suunnitellaan
Siviiliydinvoima on laitonta
Ei ydinvoimaa käytössä
Svenska: Karta över länder med kommersiella elproducerande kärnkraftverk
Reaktorer i drift, bygger nya reaktorer
Reaktorer i drift, planerar att bygga nya reaktorer
Inga reaktorer, bygger reaktorer
Inga reaktorer, planerar att bygga reaktorer
Reaktorer i drift, stabilt
Reaktorer i drift, beslut om avveckling
Civil kärnkraft är förbjuden
Inga reaktorer
Tiếng Việt: Bản đồ các nhà máy nhạt nhân thương mại trên thế giới.
Các lò đang hoạt động, xây các lò mới
Các lò đang hoạt động, kế hoạch xây mới
Không có, xây các lò mới
Không có, kế hoạch xây mới
Đang vận hành, ổn định
Đang vận hành, đang xem xét bỏ dần
Năng lượng hạt nhân không hợp pháp
Không có
Türkçe: Ülkelerin nükleer enerjiye göre konumu.
Çalışan reaktörü olan ve yeni reaktörler inşa eden ülkeler
Çalışan reaktörü olan ve yeni reaktörler inşa etmeyi planlayan ülkeler
Reaktör inşa eden ülkeler
Reaktörler inşa etmeyi planlayan ülkeler
Çalışan reaktörü olan ve durumu değişmeyen ülkeler
Çalışan reaktörü olan ama aşamalı olarak kapatacak ülkeler
Sivil nükleer enejinin yasal olmadığı ülkeler
Reaktörü olmayan ülkeler
Български: Карта на атомните електрически централи по света. Изследователските реактори не се считат за АЕЦ.
Експлоатира АЕЦ, строи нови реактори
Експлоатира АЕЦ, планира строеж на нови реактори
Няма АЕЦ, строи реактори
Няма АЕЦ, планира строеж на реактори
Експлоатира АЕЦ, не планира строеж на нови реактори
Експлоатира АЕЦ, стреми се към намаляване на броя им
АЕЦ са забранени със закон (с изключение на изследователски реактори).
Няма АЕЦ.
Русский: Страны с АЭС.
Эксплуатируются АЭС, строятся новые энергоблоки.
Эксплуатируются АЭС, планируется строительство новых энергоблоков
Нет АЭС, станции строятся
Нет АЭС, планируется строительство
Эксплуатируются АЭС, строительство новых пока не планируется
Эксплуатируются АЭС, рассматривается сокращение их количества
Гражданская ядерная энергетика запрещена законом
Українська: Країни з АЕС.
Діють АЕС, будуються нові енергоблоки
Експлуатуються АЕС, планується будівництво нових енергоблоків
Немає АЕС, станції будуються
Немає АЕС, планується будівництво
Працюють АЕС, будівництво нових поки не планується
Експлуатуються АЕС, розглядається скорочення їхньої кількості
Цивільна ядерна енергетика заборонена законом
Немає АЕС
ไทย: แผนที่แสดงโรงไฟฟ้าพลังงานนิวเคลียร์ในโลก
한국어: 연구용 원자로를 제외한 나라별 상업용 원자력 발전소
원자로 가동 및 건설 중
원자로 가동 및 계획 중
원자로 건설 중
원자로 계획 중
원자로 안전 가동 중
원자로 가동 중이나 가동 중단 결정
민간 핵발전 비허용
원자로 없음
日本語 この地図は、世界における商用のja:原子力発電所の状況を示している。実験炉は含まれていない。
中文 各国核电厂情况.
正在使用核反应堆, 并在建造新的核反应堆
正在使用核反应堆, 计划建造新的核反应堆
没有核反应堆, 正在建造核反应堆
没有核反应堆, 计划建造核反应堆
正在使用核反应堆, 且维持不变
正在使用核反应堆, 考虑减少核反应堆
العربية : خريطة المحطات النووية في العالم. المفاعلات البحثية لا تعتبر محطات نووية.
يوجد مفاعلات نووية قيد الاستخدام، مفاعلات جديدة قيد البناء.
يوجد مفاعلات نووية قيد الاستخدام، مفاعلات جديدة قيد التخطيط.
لا يوجد مفاعلات نووية، مفاعلات جديدة قيد البناء.
لا يوجد مفاعلات نووية، مفاعلات جديدة قيد التخطيط.
يوجد مفاعلات نووية قيد الاستخدام، ولا يخطط حالياً لبناء مفاعلات جديدة.
يوجد مفاعلات نووية قيد الاستخدام، ويخطط لإخراجها من الخدمة تدريجياً.
الطاقة النووية المدنية محظورة قانوناً.
لا يوجد مفاعلات نووية.
فارسی : این نقشه نشان‌دهندهٔ برنامهٔ انرژی اتمی در جهان است.
کشورهایی که نیروگاه هسته‌ای دارند و باز درحال ساختن نیروگاه جدیدی هستند.
کشورهایی که اولین نیروگاه هسته‌ای خود را می‌سازند.
کشورهایی که در حال بررسی ساخت نیروگاه جدید هستند.
کشورهایی که در حال بررسی ساخت اولین راکتور هستند.
کشورهایی که نیروگاه دارند اما به فکر ساخت نیروگاه جدیدی نیستند.
نشانگر کشورهایی است که در فکر غیرفعال کردن راکتورهای خود هستند.
کشورهایی که تمام نیروگاه‌های خود را غیرفعال کرده‌اند.
کشورهایی که انرژی هسته‌ای ندارد و به فکر داشتن آن هم تا کنون نیستند.
بدون راکتور

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The data for this map comes from the World Nuclear Association, particularly the following documents:

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Author Ichabod Paleogene, Krzysztof Kori
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Specific notes on status

Country Plants/situation
Argentina Two reactors in operation and Atucha II nuclear power plant will finished in 2013. Further four indigenous designed Pressurized Water Reactors planned at Angra Nuclear Power Plant.
Australia The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 specifically prohibits nuclear power generation in s.140A.
Austria Construction on the Zwentendorf Nuclear plant finished in 1978, however a referendum was passed that did not allow startup. Nuclear power is illegal.
Belarus Operates commercial nuclear reactors since 2020.
Brazil Two reactors in operation, a third under construction since 2010 and other four projected as of 2011. See Angra Nuclear Power Plant.
China Over 100 new reactors planned
Czech Republic 6 reactors in 2 plants in operation (4 in Dukovany NPP and 2 in Temelín NPP). Three new reactors planned (Dukovany 5, Temelín 3 and Temelín 4)
Egypt Listed as under construction -- incorrect, no power reactors under construction
Finland Constructing the first European Pressurized Reactor facility at Olkiluoto. Two older reactor commercial facilities in Olkiluoto and Loviisa remain in use
Iran Building reactor at Bushehr
Italy Phased out nuclear power after Chernobyl.
Japan As of 2012 Japan turned off all of its nuclear reactors. restarts expected
Netherlands See Nuclear Power in The Netherlands
New Zealand Had a research reactor 1962-1981. Never had nuclear plants.
North Korea construction of several commercial nuclear reactors started, but none completed.
Philippines 1 plant, the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, was mothballed; never fuelled.
Poland A nuclear power plant in Żarnowiec was planned in the early 1990's, however, protests led to the cancellation of the project. The current government is planning to bulid a nuclear power plant based on French reactor technology.
Slovakia 4 reactors in 2 plants in operation, 2 reactors are being build until 2013 and there are plans to replace the closed reactors of the Jaslovské Bohnuice plant with new ones.
South Korea South Korea has many units of the CANDU and PWR designs at 4 locations. Currently, there are multiple units at Shin Wolsong and Shin-Kori under construction See en:Nuclear power in South Korea
Sweden Sweden has ten commercial reactors at three different locations (Forsmark, Ringhals and Oskarshamn). There are no longer any explicit plans to phase out nuclear power in Sweden. A broad coalition decision has made it possible to replace current reactors, but does not allow an increase in the current number of reactors and will allow construction only at the three current locations. Also, several existing reactors have been upgraded to increase output. However, at the same time, there is also a plan to increase renewable energy and to slowly replace nuclear energy by 2040. The six nuclear reactors being scrapped have not been scrapped by any central decision, but by the various companies running them who no longer saw them as profitable. The same companies have made it clear that they may well build new ones if, for example, small nuclear reactors would become profitable. See Nuclear power in Sweden
Turkey Turkey to build Atmea
United Kingdom The government has had pressure to both increase nuclear power generation as well as stop expansion, Currently 10 reactors are planned to replace aging AGRs. Hinkley Point C began construction in December 2018 and is still being built in 2020. The Scottish government will not allow any new construction on Scottish territory. See Nuclear power in the United Kingdom.
United States of America See Nuclear power in the United States.
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Map of the worldwide use of nuclear power plants

Items portrayed in this file


22 February 2009


File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

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current10:00, 21 October 2023Thumbnail for version as of 10:00, 21 October 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.06 MB)Leonel SohnsAdded Jordan and Uzbekistan.
22:00, 15 April 2023Thumbnail for version as of 22:00, 15 April 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.06 MB)MielasReverted to version as of 08:56, 15 April 2023 (UTC)
14:15, 15 April 2023Thumbnail for version as of 14:15, 15 April 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.1 MB)Leonel SohnsReverted to version as of 15:00, 9 February 2023 (UTC): as perändern&diff=prev&oldid=232847409&diffmode=source
08:56, 15 April 2023Thumbnail for version as of 08:56, 15 April 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.06 MB)MielasShutoff in Germany
15:00, 9 February 2023Thumbnail for version as of 15:00, 9 February 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.1 MB)Leonel Sohns+Lithuania
20:20, 8 February 2023Thumbnail for version as of 20:20, 8 February 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.1 MB)Leonel SohnsFixed
20:18, 8 February 2023Thumbnail for version as of 20:18, 8 February 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.1 MB)Leonel SohnsFixed my own mistakes.
20:10, 8 February 2023Thumbnail for version as of 20:10, 8 February 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.1 MB)Leonel SohnsMore accurate world map.
18:37, 4 January 2023Thumbnail for version as of 18:37, 4 January 20232,754 × 1,398 (1.1 MB)Betsegspain will close nuclear stations in 2035
21:06, 29 October 2022Thumbnail for version as of 21:06, 29 October 20222,754 × 1,398 (1.1 MB)Jamaika-KoalitionAstravets-1 in Belarus is already in operation, Georgia has effectively banned nuclear power (;
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