

Hāân is a con-lang made by user Haybale23 in the April of 2024. Throughout its existence, it has gone from a simple exclusion of some letters or replacement with others, to the addition of accents and new letters to the English language. It is an official national language (of Hāâ) of his up-and-coming worldbuilding project, Turēâ ('Terea,' name of the homeworld.)

As of Thursday 7, 2024, this is the first time is has ever been put into writing.

It is still in the process of being made.



The basic alphabet (22 letters) is as follows:


Changes made:

  • Cc is omitted, spare for instances where it makes the 'ch' sound - sound replaced with 'k' or 's'
  • Lowercase d is replaced by ꝺ
  • Gg is replaced by Гг
  • Lowercase Iı and Jȷ are made dotless
  • Qq is omitted - sound is replaced by spelling 'kw'
  • Xx is omitted - sound is replaced by spelling 'ks'
  • Yy is omitted

Accents & Special Characters

No accent - short sound Macron - elongated Acute - 'r' after Circumflex - 'y' before
Aa - 'a' Āā - 'ai' Áá - 'ar' Ââ - 'ya'
Ee - 'e' Ēē - 'ee' Éé - 'air' Êê - 'ye'
Iı - 'i' Īī - 'I' Íí - 'ear' Îî - 'yi'
Oo - 'o' Ōō - 'oh' Óó - 'or' Ôô - 'yo'
Uu - 'u' Ūū - 'oo' Úú - 'ur' Ûû - 'yu'

The special characters are:

  • Ỽỽ - 'ch'
  • Ŋŋ - 'ng'
  • Φɸ - 'th'
  • Ʋʋ - 'sh'
  • Ӡӡ - 'zh'



For the time being, pronunciation is the same as British English.



Words are spelt phonetically, e.g. 'being' would be spelt 'bēîŋ'



For the time being, all Hāân vocabulary is British English. Only original words are Lūnárēa ('Lunaria,' moon of homeworld in world-building project) and Solárēōs ('Solarios,' star of homeworld in the world-building project.)

In-World Lore


Ỽỽ, Ʋʋ, Ŋŋ and Dꝺ originate from the same region, which is why they all look curved and similar.

Ӡӡ, Φɸ and Гг also originate from the same area, which is why they too look similar.