Blue bank is an Iranian Neo bank that provides digital banking services, and was launched in 2018.

Work method


Blu Bank is an Iranian neo bank that offers digital banking services. Established in 2019, it delivers all its services through a mobile application.[1]

Blu Bank is affiliated with Saman bank,[2][3] and all customer deposits in Blu are kept in this bank, and Blu bank cards are issued with the same prefix as the aforementioned bank cards (8619-6219).[4]

Products and Services




Blu Box is a savings product offered by Blu Bank, allowing clients to manage and save their earnings without needing an alternative bank account. It caters to those seeking a modern method of saving, whether they previously used separate bank accounts or more traditional methods like piggy banks or cash storage. Access to Blu Box requires having a Blu Bank account and is part of the institution's neo banking services.[5]

money back


The cashback service provided by Blu Bank offers users financial benefits from their purchases, typically ranging from 0.5% to 7% in returns. This service is designed to transform shopping into a profitable opportunity for customers.[6]



As part of its financial services, Blu Bank offers loans up to 40 million Iranian Current currencies, based on the evaluation of a user's average three-month account balance. Eligibility for these loans includes maintaining a minimum average balance of 3 million Current currencies and timely repayment of previous loans. This service has been available since the winter of 2022, providing eligible customers access to financial facilities.[7]

Smart Transfer


In the Blu Bank app, the Smart Transfer feature allows users to choose from four common methods for money transfers: account-to-account (domestic), card-to-card, PAYA, and SATNA. This service assists users in selecting the most suitable transfer method based on the transaction amount, timing, destination bank, and fee. Attention to detail and flexibility in choosing transfer methods are distinguishing features of this neo bank.[8]

Blu Junior


Blu Junior is a platform designed to introduce children to the concepts of money and banking and to teach simple financial matters. Aimed at enhancing financial awareness among children, this platform employs engaging and age-appropriate methods to impart financial knowledge to young users.[9]

Free registration


Blu offers its customers the possibility of opening an account for free and does not charge a fee for sending customers' bank cards.[4]

Invite friends


Each person with an account in Blu has his own invitation code that he can share with his friends and enjoy the benefits of inviting friends. This code is received from your friends at the time of registration; But entering it is not mandatory. Blue customers can request a "black" Blu card by inviting 10 friends.[10]



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9- .[8]

  1. ^ "How to Get a Loan from BlueBank?". Zoomit. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  2. ^ "What is BlueBank and How Can You Open an Account? / Account Opening in 7 Minutes". Way2pay. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  3. ^ "Blue, the Beloved Neobank of Saman Bank". Digiato. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  4. ^ "BlueBank Crosses One Million Users". Peivast. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  5. ^ "BlueBox, a Smart Savings and Money Management Fund". Zoomit. Retrieved 2023-06-01. 6- <ref>"Introducing Blue's Cashback Service / A Return of a Portion of the Final Amount". Way2pay. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  6. ^ "How to Get an Instant Loan from BlueBank?". Zoomit. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  7. ^ "Smart Money Transfer with BlueBank". Eghtesad Online. Retrieved 2023-06-01.
  8. ^ "What is BlueJunior and What are its Advantages?". Gadget News. Retrieved 2023-06-01.