Dorf on the Diamond is a 1996 comedy short film starring Tim Conway, Shawn Hess and Tim Conway Jr.

Dorf on the Diamond
Directed byBerry Landen
Written byTim Conway
StarringTim Conway
Shawn Hess
Tim Conway Jr.
Distributed byJ2 Communications
Release date
  • December 1, 1996 (1996-12-01)
Running time
50 minutes



Baseball "Super Fan" Dorf goes to the East-West all star game. While enjoying the game, Dorf daydreams about being on the diamond himself and inspiring a baseball team to greatness as their coach (ala General Patton). Yet, even in his daydreams he's not entirely successful. Between daydreams, Dorf has his hands full coping with a bratty kid, a smart aleck peanut vendor and his uncooperative car.

See also
