Cannon-Washburn Hunger Experiment

The Cannon-Washburn Hunger Experiment was conducted in 1912 by American physiologist Walter Cannon and his colleague, graduate student A.L. Washburn. This experiment investigated the physiological mechanisms of hunger by examining the relationship between stomach contractions and the sensation of hunger. The results of the study provided early evidence for the role of the stomach in hunger regulation and helped establish a foundation for modern research on appetite control.



In the early 20th century, the understanding of hunger was limited. It was often considered a purely psychological sensation. However, Walter Cannon, a prominent physiologist, hypothesized that hunger had a physiological basis related to stomach activity. He proposed that the sensation of hunger was linked to contractions of the stomach when it was empty. This theory was driven by observations of people experiencing "hunger pangs" during prolonged periods of fasting.[1]

Cannon’s earlier contributions to the study of the autonomic nervous system and his coinage of the term "fight or flight" response formed the backdrop of this research. Assisted by his graduate student A.L. Washburn, Cannon set out to test whether stomach contractions were responsible for signaling hunger to the brain.[2]

Experimental Setup


To test the hypothesis, Cannon designed an experiment in which A.L. Washburn swallowed a deflated rubber balloon attached to a tube. Once the balloon was inside Washburn’s stomach, it was inflated. The pressure of the balloon against the stomach walls was used to measure the strength of contractions. Simultaneously, Cannon attached the tube to a device, similar to a kymograph, which measured and recorded the stomach’s contractions.[3]

Washburn performed the experiment by fasting for several hours prior to each session, allowing his stomach to become empty and more likely to contract. After swallowing the balloon, which reached down into his stomach through the esophagus, Washburn had to sit still for prolonged periods while the pressure changes from his stomach contractions were recorded. During the experiment, he would signal each time he felt hungry by pressing a button, which would correlate with the recorded data.[4]

Washburn's Discomfort and Role


Washburn’s role in the experiment went beyond simply reporting his sensations. He was both a participant and a co-investigator. This dual role required him to endure considerable physical discomfort. Swallowing the balloon and having it inflated inside his stomach was an unnatural process, requiring Washburn to overcome the discomfort of the balloon and tube insertion. Once in place, the inflated balloon would press against his stomach walls, and Washburn had to endure this pressure while the contractions were measured. He also had to remain still for extended periods to ensure accurate readings of the stomach's mechanical activity.[5]

Washburn’s meticulous reporting of his hunger sensations was critical for the experiment. Each time he felt hungry, he would press a key to signal this to Cannon, who then matched these subjective reports with the data recorded from the stomach contractions. Washburn’s ability to perform under the physical strain of the experiment was essential for its success, and his perseverance in carrying out these repetitive and uncomfortable trials provided valuable data.[6]



The experiment’s results demonstrated a clear correlation between stomach contractions and the sensation of hunger. Washburn’s feelings of hunger coincided with the rhythmic contractions of his empty stomach, as recorded by the kymograph. When the balloon in Washburn’s stomach was inflated to the point where contractions were inhibited, his hunger diminished.[3]

Cannon and Washburn concluded that stomach contractions play a critical role in signaling hunger to the brain. Their findings suggested that hunger could be alleviated by distending the stomach, even in the absence of food consumption. This discovery provided the first experimental evidence linking hunger to the physiological state of the stomach.[7]



Despite its pioneering nature, the Cannon-Washburn experiment had several limitations. The study focused mainly on mechanical activity in the stomach and did not account for other physiological factors influencing hunger. Later research revealed that hunger regulation is far more complex, involving hormones and neural signals in addition to stomach contractions.[6]

Subsequent studies identified the role of the hypothalamus, a brain region regulating hunger and satiety by processing signals from hormones such as ghrelin, which stimulates hunger, and leptin, which induces feelings of fullness.[6] These discoveries expanded upon Cannon’s original work, demonstrating that while stomach contractions are a component of hunger, the sensation is modulated by a much wider array of signals.

Legacy and Impact


The Cannon-Washburn experiment is considered a landmark study in appetite research and psychophysiology. It demonstrated that hunger is not merely a psychological experience but also a physiological response to the physical state of the stomach. This experiment helped shift scientific attention to the biological mechanisms behind hunger, laying the groundwork for future research in digestive physiology and neurobiology.[8]

The study also influenced subsequent research into obesity by focusing attention on the physiological triggers of hunger. Modern studies on the brain-gut axis have expanded upon Cannon’s initial insights, showing that gastrointestinal signals are communicated to the brain via hormones like ghrelin.[9]

Today, the Cannon-Washburn experiment is remembered as an early attempt to explore the complex interplay between the digestive system and the brain in hunger regulation. Although modern science has expanded upon its findings, the experiment remains a cornerstone in understanding how the body and brain regulate appetite.

See also



  1. ^ Smith, David. The Science of Hunger: The Body's Way of Telling You It's Time to Eat. Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 58-60.
  2. ^ Benison, Elin L. Walter Bradford Cannon: The Life and Legacy of a Physiologist. Harvard University Press, 1988.
  3. ^ a b Cannon, Walter B., Washburn, A.L. "An Experimental Study of Hunger". American Journal of Physiology, vol. 29, 1912, pp. 441-454.
  4. ^ Deloose, E., & Tack, J. "Redefining the Functional Roles of the Gastrointestinal Migrating Motor Complex and Motilin in Small Bacterial Overgrowth and Hunger Signaling". American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, vol. 310, 2016, pp. G234-G242.
  5. ^ Benison, Elin L., Walter Bradford Cannon: The Life and Legacy of a Physiologist. Harvard University Press, 1988.
  6. ^ a b c Benison, E.L., *Walter Bradford Cannon: The Life and Legacy of a Physiologist*. Harvard University Press, 1988.
  7. ^ Schwartz, Michael W., et al. "Central Nervous System Control of Food Intake." Nature, vol. 404, no. 6778, 2000, pp. 661-671.
  8. ^ Blundell, John E., and Halford, Jason C.G. "Hunger and Satiety: New Concepts on the Etiology of Obesity." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 354, 1999, pp. 2521-2540.
  9. ^ Deloose, E., & Tack, J. "Redefining the Functional Roles of the Gastrointestinal Migrating Motor Complex and Motilin in Small Bacterial Overgrowth and Hunger Signaling". American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, vol. 310, 2016, pp. G234-G242.