Canadian Senate Standing Committee on Transport and Communication

The Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications (TRCM) is one of the oldest standing committees of the Senate of Canada, having been first created in 1867 under the name of the Banking, Commerce and Railways Committee. In 1945, it was recommended that a committee on Transport and Communications be created.



Over the years, the mandate has evolved, but subject areas for which the committee is responsible include:

  • Transport and communications by land, air, water, and space, be this by radio, telephone, telegraph, wire, cable, microwave, wireless, television, satellite, broadcasting, post, or any other means, method or form.
  • Tourist traffic.
  • Common carriers; and
  • Navigation, shipping and navigable waters.


Caucus Member Province
  Conservative Michael L. MacDonald, deputy chair NS
  Conservative Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu QC
  Conservative Norman Doyle NL
  Conservative Stephen Greene NS
  Conservative Bob Runciman ON
  Independent Senators Group Patricia Bovey MB
  Independent Senators Group René Cormier NB
  Independent Senators Group Rosa Galvez QC
  Independent Senators Group Diane Griffin PEI
  Independent Senators Group Nancy Hartling NB
  Independent Senators Group Raymonde Saint-Germain QC
  Senate Liberal Dennis Dawson, chair QC
  Senate Liberal Art Eggleton ON
  Senate Liberal Terry Mercer NS

The Representative of the Government in the Senate and Leader of the Opposition in the Senate are both ex-officio members of the committee.

