Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (song)

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (transl. "Unity in Diversity" (Different but One)) is an Indonesian national song that was created by Binsar Sitompul and A. Thalib.

"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika"
Single by Binsar Sitompul, A Thalib (Writer)
Songwriter(s)Binsar Sitompul, A Thalib

Lyrics and structure

Original Translation

Bhinneka tunggal ika
Lambang negara kita
Republik Indonesia
Beribu pulaunya
Berjuta rakyatnya
Namun satu citanya

Bhinneka tunggal ika
Ikrar kita bersama
Kita bina selama
Persatuan bangsa
Kesatuan jiwa
Indonesia bahagia

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
Is our country's symbol
Republic of Indonesia
Thousands of Island
Millions of People
But with one goal

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
Our pledge in togetherness
We will develop forever
Nation's Unity
and Unity our souls
Toward Indonesia's happiness

"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" is performed Maestoso in 4