Bengali (বাংলা Bangla) is one of the Eastern Indo-Aryan languages, which evolved from Magadhi Prakrit, native to the eastern Indian subcontinent.[1] The core of Bengali vocabulary is thus etymologically of Magadhi Prakrit origin, with significant ancient borrowings from the older substrate language(s) of the region. However, in medieval times, more borrowings have occurred, from Sanskrit, Arabic, Classical Persian, Turkish and other languages has led to the adoption of a wide range of words with foreign origins; thus making the origins of borrowed words in the Bengali vocabulary numerous and diverse, due to centuries of contact with various languages.

  Tadbhavas in Bengali (Inherited Indo-Aryan vocabulary) (16%)
  Tatsamas in Bengali (Direct borrowings from Sanskrit) (40%)
  Native Words (Indigenous, "Desi" words) (16%)
  Foreign Loanwords (words originating from Persian, Turkish, Arabic, English, Portuguese, etc.) (28%)

Origins of words in Bengali


Bengali is typically thought to have around 100,000 separate words, of which 16,000 (16%) are considered to be তদ্ভব tôdbhôbô, or Tadbhava (inherited Indo-Aryan vocabulary), 40,000 (40%) are তৎসম tôtśômô or Tatsama (words directly borrowed from Sanskrit), and borrowings from দেশী deśi, or "indigenous" words, which are at around 16,000 (16%) of the Bengali vocabulary. The rest are বিদেশী bideśi or "foreign" sources, including Persian, Turkish, Arabic, and English among others, accounting for around 28,000 (28%) of all Bengali words, highlighting the significant influence that foreign languages and cultures have had on the Bengali language throughout Bengal's long history of contact with different peoples and the cultural exchanges that came with such interactions.[2]

Persian had one of the most significant influence in terms of foreign loanwords, and numerous sources put this figure at around 10,000 words at a minimum, which includes words that were borrowed directly from Persian and words influenced by it.[3] However, these figures do not reflect the average Bengali speaker's vocabulary, as this will vary greatly by dialect. For example, Muslims and Bangladeshis typically lean on more Persian and Arabic words in their Bengali than their Hindu and Indian Bengali counterparts.[4] Persian influence was so significant throughout Bengal's history, and was the official language of the region for 600 years, until the British arrived and changed it to English in 1836.[5] Persian influence was so extensive that during the medieval Bengal period, a register of highly Persianized Bengali formed, known as Dobhashi, which was used by administrative officials and for literary purposes.

Differences in vocabulary


This table below compares the differences of spoken and used Bengali vocabularies in Dhaka (Bangladesh) & Shantipur (West Bengal, India).

Word Dhakaiya dialect Dhakaiya IPA Shantipuri dialect Shantipuri IPA
Water পানি pani জল jôl
Salt লবণ lôbôn নুন nun
Invitation দাওয়াত dawat আমন্ত্রণ/নিমন্ত্রণ/নেমন্তন্ন amôntrôm/nimôntrôn/nemôntônnô
Chili মরিচ môric লঙ্কা laṅkā
Maternal Aunt খালা khala মাসি maśi
Paternal Aunt ফুফু phuphu পিসি piśi
Bath গোসল gosôl স্নান/চান snān/chān
Wind বাতাস batas হাওয়া hāoā

Examples of borrowed words


Due to centuries of contact with Mughals, Arabs, Persians, Central Asians, and Europeans the Bengali language has absorbed countless words from foreign languages, often totally integrating these borrowings into the core vocabulary. The most common borrowings from foreign languages come from three different kinds of contact. After centuries of contact from Persia and the Middle East, followed by the invasions of the Mughal Empire, numerous Turkic, Arabic, and Persian words were absorbed and fully integrated into the lexicon.[6][7] Later, European colonialism brought words from Portuguese, French, Dutch, and most significantly English. Some very common borrowings are shown below.

Sanskrit (সংস্কৃত Sôṅskritô)

Word IPA Meaning
বিশ্ব biśśô world
ধন্যবাদ dhônnôbad thanks
আশীর্বাদ aśirbad blessing
স্বাগত śagôtô welcome
নির্বাণ nirban Nirvana
যোগ jog Yoga
আর্য arjô Aryan
আসন aśôn seat
আশ্রম asrôm hermitage or monastery
অবতার ôbôtar Avatar
আয়ুর্বেদ ayurbed Ayurveda
বন্ধু bôndhu friend
বাসমতী baśmôti Basmati rice
ভাং bhaṅ Bhang
খাট khaṭ cot
ধুতি dhuti Dhoti
লুঠ luṭh Looting
মায়া maya Maya
সখা śôkha friend
স্বামী śami Husband
লাখ lakh Lakh
লক্ষ্মী lôkkhi Lakshmi

Substrate languages (দেশী Deśi "Native")

Word Meaning
কানা kana blind
কালা kala deaf
কুড়ি kuṛi twenty
খোঁচা khõca poke
খোঁজ khõj notice
চিংড়ি ciṅṛi prawn
চুলা cula oven, stove
ছোট choṭô small
ঝিনুক jhinuk shell
ঝোল jhol gravy
টক ṭôk sour
ঠ্যাং ṭhæṅ leg
ডাব ḍab (green) coconut
ঢং ḍhoṅ guile, dissimulation; fashion
ঢোল ḍhol dhol
পেট peṭ belly
বোবা boba mute
মাঠ maṭh field, open land
মুড়ি muṛi puffed rice

Foreign (বিদেশী Bideśi)


Classical Persian (ফারসি Farsi)

Word Pronunciation Meaning Original form
আবহাওয়া abohawaɦa.wa weather آب و هوا āb-o-hawā
চাকরি cakri t͡ʃak.ri job چاکری čakri
আয়না ayna mirror آینه āynah
আরাম aram a.ram comfort آرام ārām
বকশিশ bôkśiś bok.ʃiʃ tip بخشش baxšiš
মুসলমান musôlman musol.maˑn Muslim مسلمان musalmān
আস্তে aste as.t̪e slowly, softly آهسته āhistah "slowly"
কম kôm kɔm less, few كم kam
কাগজ kagôj ka.ɡoj paper كاغذ kāğaz
খারাপ kharap kʰa.rap bad خراب xarāb
খোদা khoda kʰo.d̪a god خدا xoda
খুব khub kʰuˑb very, greatly خوب xūb "good"
গরম gôrôm ɡɔ.rom hot گرم garm
চশম côśôm t͡ʃɔʃom eye چشم čašm
চাকর cakôr t͡ʃa.kor employee, servant چاکر čākar
চাদর cadôr t͡ʃa.d̪or blanket چادر čādar
জান jan d͡ʒaˑn dear جان jān
জায়গা jayga d͡ʒae.ɡa place جايگاه jāegāh
ডেগচি ḍegci ɖeɡ.t͡ʃi pot ديگچه dēgčah
দম dôm d̪ɔˑm breath دم dam
দের der d̪e.r late دير dēr
দোকান dokan do.kan store, shop دكان dukān
পর্দা pôrda pɔr.d̪a curtain پرده pardah
বদ bôd bɔˑd̪ bad بد bad
বাগান bagan ba.ɡan garden باغوان bāğwān
রাস্তা rasta ras.t̪a road, way راسته rāstah
রোজ roj roˑd͡ʒ everyday روز rōz "day"
হিন্দু Hindu hin.d̪u Hindu هندو Hindū
পছন্দ pôchôndô pɔ.t͡ʃʰon.d̪o like, appreciate پسند pasand
টেক্কা ṭekka ʈek.ka ace تيكه tika "contract"
খুন khun kʰuˑn kill خون xūn "blood"
আঙ্গুর āṅgur aŋ.gur grape انگور angūr
আওয়াজ aoaj a.wad͡ʒ sound آواز āwāz

Arabic (আরবি Arbi)

Bangla Word Bangla transliteration English meaning Original form IPA
আসল aśôl real أصل aṣl
আহাদ ahad one أحد ahad
এলাকা elaka area علاقة ("relationship") ʕalāqa
ওজন ojôn weight وزن wazn
কলম kôlôm pen قلم qalam
কিসমত kismôt luck قسمة qisma(t)
খবর khôbôr news خبر xabr
খালাস khalas conclusion خلاص khalāṣ
খালি khali empty خالي xālī
খেয়াল kheyal consideration خيال xayāl
গরিব gôrib poor غريب ğarīb
জমা jôma collect جمعة jamʿah
তারিখ tarikh date تاريخ tārīx
দুনিয়া duniya world دﻧﯿـا dunya
নকল nôkôl fake نقل naql
ফকির phôkir poor person فقير faqīr
বদল bodol exchange بدل badl
বাকি baki remaining باقي bāqī
শয়তান śôytan Satan شَيْطَان šayṭan
সাহেব śaheb sir صاحب ṣāḥib
সনদ śônôd certificate سَنْد sand
সন śôn year سَنَة sanah
হেকিম hekim physician حكيم ḥakīm
হিসাব hiśab calculation حساب ḥisāb

Turkic (তুর্কি Turki)

Word Meaning Original form
আপা apa elder sister, any unknown adult lady apa
কোরমা korma korma kavurma
খান khan Khan xan
খাতুন khatun Khatun xatun
চকমক cokmok lighter çakmak
বেগম begôm lady begüm
ক্যাচি kêci, কাঁচি kãci scissor qãïnçi

Portuguese (পর্তুগিজ Pôrtugij)

Word Meaning Original form
আলমারি almari closet, cupboard armário
আয়া aya nurse aia
ইস্ত্রি istri
ইস্তিরি istiri
to iron estirar
ইস্পাত iśpat steel espada "sword"
কামিজ kamij shirt camisa
গামলা gamla basket gamela "wooden trough"
চাবি cabi key chave
জানালা janala window janela
তামাক tamak tobacco tabaco
পেরেক perek nail prego
ফিতা phita lace, ribbon fita
বারান্দা baranda verandah varanda
বালতি balti Bucket balde
বেহালা behala viola viola
বোতাম botam button botão
মেজ mej table mesa
সাবান śaban soap sabão
কেদারা kedara chair cadeira
আতা ata custard apple ata
আনারস anarôś pineapple ananás
কাজু kaju cashew cajú
কপি kôpi cabbage, cauliflower couve
পাঁউ pãu European-style bread pão
পেঁপে pẽpe papaya papaia
নিলাম nilam auction leilão
পেয়ারা peyara guava pera "pear"
সালাদ salad salad salada
ক্রুশ krush cross cruz
গির্জা girja church igreja
যিশু Jiśu Jesus Jesus
পাদ্রি padri Catholic priest padre
ইংরেজ iṅgrej English inglês

Dutch (ওলন্দাজ Olôndaj)

Word Meaning Original form
ইস্কাবন iskabôn
ইশকাপন iśkapôn
spades schoppen
রুইতন ruitôn diamonds ruiten (lit. "rhombi")
হরতন hôrotôn hearts harten
চিড়িতন ciriton clubs klaveren (lit. "clovers")
তুরুপ turup trump troef
ইস্ক্রুপ iskrup screw schroef

English (ইংরেজি Iṅreji)

Word Original form
অফিস ôfiś office
জেল jel jail
ডাক্তার ḍaktar doctor
পুলিশ puliś police
ব্যাংক baṅk bank
ভোট bhoṭ vote
ইস্কুল iśkul
স্কুল skul
হাসপাতাল haśpatal hospital
কাপ kap cup
গ্লাস glas glass
চেয়ার ceyar chair
টেবিল ṭebil table
বাক্স bakśô box
লণ্ঠন lônṭhôn lantern
প্লাস্টিক plasṭik plastic
কলেজ kôlej college
আস্তাবল astabôl stable
সাইকেল saikel bicycle
টাউট ṭauṭ tout
ইঞ্জিন injin engine
ক্যাঙারু kæṅgaru kangaroo
বুমেরাং bumeraṅ boomerang

French (ফরাসি Phôrasi)

Word Meaning Original form
ওলন্দাজ olôndaj Dutch hollandaise
কার্তুজ kartuj cartridge cartouche
রেস্তোরাঁ restorã restaurant restaurant
শেমিজ śemij chemise chemise "shirt"
পাতি pati small petit

Chinese (চীনা Cīna)

Word Meaning Original form
সাম্পান sampan flat-bottomed wooden boat 舢舨 sampan

Japanese (জাপানি Japani/নিহোঙ্গো Nihoṅgo)

Word Meaning Original form
মাঙ্গা maṅga Manga マンガ manga
সুনামি sunami Tsunami つなみ tsunami
রিকশা rikśā Rickshaw 力車 rikisha "(man-) driven vehicle"

Burmese (বর্মী Bôrmī)

Word Meaning Original form
লুঙ্গি luṅgi longyi လုံချည် lum hkyany
ঘুঘনি ghughni

German (জার্মান Jarman)

Word Meaning Original form
কিন্ডারগার্টেন kindargarten kindergarten
নাৎসি Natsi Nazism Nazi

Italian (ইতালীয় Italīẏô)

Word Meaning Original form
ফ্যাসিস্ত Phasist Fascist
ম্যালেরিয়া malaria malaria
মাফিয়া maphiya mafia mafia
স্টুডিও studio studio


  1. ^ "India - Magadhan ascendancy". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 18 February 2019.
  2. ^ Dash, Niladri Sekhar (15 January 2015). A Descriptive Study of Bengali Words. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-316-22268-3.
  3. ^ Nur, Tanjina Binte (January–June 2023). "Teaching and Learning Persian in Bangladesh: Relevance and Applicability". Sankalp Research Journal. 3 (1): 9–19.
  4. ^ "Persian in Bengali. :". Retrieved 23 May 2024.
  5. ^ Bari, Sarah Anjum (12 April 2019). "A Tale of Two Languages: How the Persian language seeped into Bengali". The Daily Star. Retrieved 23 May 2024.
  6. ^ "Languages – Keys to Understanding the Middle East". Retrieved 18 February 2019.
  7. ^ "BBC - Religions - Islam: Mughal Empire (1500s, 1600s)". Retrieved 18 February 2019.