In mathematics, an automorphic factor is a certain type of analytic function, defined on subgroups of SL(2,R), appearing in the theory of modular forms. The general case, for general groups, is reviewed in the article 'factor of automorphy'.



An automorphic factor of weight k is a function   satisfying the four properties given below. Here, the notation   and   refer to the upper half-plane and the complex plane, respectively. The notation   is a subgroup of SL(2,R), such as, for example, a Fuchsian group. An element   is a 2×2 matrix   with a, b, c, d real numbers, satisfying adbc=1.

An automorphic factor must satisfy:

  1. For a fixed  , the function   is a holomorphic function of  .
  2. For all   and  , one has   for a fixed real number k.
  3. For all   and  , one has   Here,   is the fractional linear transform of   by  .
  4. If  , then for all   and  , one has   Here, I denotes the identity matrix.



Every automorphic factor may be written as




The function   is called a multiplier system. Clearly,


while, if  , then


which equals   when k is an integer.


  • Robert Rankin, Modular Forms and Functions, (1977) Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-21212-X. (Chapter 3 is entirely devoted to automorphic factors for the modular group.)