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The following events occurred in August 1921:

August 23, 1921: Faisal al-Hashemi crowned as first King of Iraq
August 24, 1921: 44 killed in the crash of the largest dirigible in the world, ZR-2
August 22, 1921: Alexander I takes oath in Paris hospital as new King of Yugoslavia
August 2, 1921: Opera tenor Enrico Caruso dead at age 48 from infection

August 1, 1921 (Monday)

Harding at the U.S. Senate
  • President Harding informed the U.S. Congress that Secretary of State Hughes had concluded that the U.S. was obligated to lend five million dollars to Liberia as part of an agreement made in September, 1918.[4]
  • Born: Jack Kramer, U.S. tennis player and commentator, in Las Vegas[5] (died 2009)

August 2, 1921 (Tuesday)


August 3, 1921 (Wednesday)

The first crop dusting by airplane

August 4, 1921 (Thursday)


August 5, 1921 (Friday)

  • The first broadcast of a baseball game was aired by U.S. radio station KDKA, as the Pittsburgh Pirates defeated the Philadelphia Phillies 8 to 5 at Forbes Field.[24] Harold Arlin, a Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, called the play-by-play during the broadcast.[25]
  • WRR-AM received its municipal license. It first broadcast out of the Dallas, Texas fire station. WRR was the first radio station in Texas and one of the first five radio stations in the US.[26]
  • In the Rif War against Morocco, the Army of Spain suffered more losses as the army garrisons in the cities of Nador and Selouane fell in North Africa, and 2,000 square miles (5,200 km2) of Moroccan territory reclaimed by Arab tribesmen.[27] Of 200 soldiers of the Selouane garrison, all but nine were killed.[28]

August 6, 1921 (Saturday)

  • Forty-seven of the crewmembers of the American freighter Alaska were killed when the ship foundered off of the northern coast of California in a thick fog.[29]
  • In return for American humanitarian aid to relieve the famine in the Soviet Union, the Russian Relief Committee's Chairman Kamenev pledged that all Americans held prisoner in Soviet Russia would be released to Walter L. Brown of the American Relief Administration.[30]
  • In the wake of the Upper Silesia plebiscite of March 1921, an expert report by the Committee of the Allied Supreme Council recommended a redefinition of the border between Poland and Germany, on the basis of which the greater part of the Upper Silesian industrial district was awarded to Poland.[31]
  • Died: Rorer A. James, 62, U.S. Representative for Virginia[2]

August 7, 1921 (Sunday)

  • In accordance with an agreement between the United Kingdom and Irish Republicans, British prisons released all Sinn Féin members who had been elected to Dáil Éireann.[2]
  • Born: Manitas de Plata (stage name for Ricardo Baliardo), Spanish-French guitar virtuoso, in Sète in France (died 2014)[32]
  • Died: Alexander Blok, 40, Russian poet, dramatist and critic[33]

August 8, 1921 (Monday)


August 9, 1921 (Tuesday)

Governor Small
  • Governor Lennington "Len" Small of the U.S. state of Illinois was placed under arrest at his home, the Executive Mansion in Springfield, Illinois, on warrants from three indictments made against him on charges of embezzlement during his prior job as Illinois State Treasurer.[43] The sheriff of Sangamon County, Illinois, Henry Mester, came to the Governor's official residence, placed Small under arrest and required Small to come with him to for a court appearance before the Sangamon County Judge, who set a $50,000 bail to secure Small's appearance at a September hearing. Small posted his own bond as surety and was allowed to return home.

August 10, 1921 (Wednesday)

  • The Soviet Union began the release of American prisoners, with six Americans being turned over to the American Relief Administration at Reval in Estonia.[44]
  • The SS Moerdijk of the Holland-American steam line set a world speed record, completing a journey from London to Los Angeles in 24 days and 12 hours.[45]
  • The Allied Supreme Council announced its neutrality in the Greco-Turkish War, abandoning the Treaty of Sèvres that had granted territory of the former Ottoman Empire to Greece.[2]
  • Lord Byng of Vimy, appointed as the new Governor-General of Canada, arrived in Canada after the steamer Empress of France brought him over from the United Kingdom.[46]

August 11, 1921 (Thursday)

  • Spain's Prime Minister Manuel Allendesalazar y Muñoz de Salazar and his cabinet resigned as a result of the Spanish defeat in Morocco. Antonio Maura, a former Premier, formed a new ministry two days later.[48]
  • Éamon de Valera sent his reply to British peace proposals to UK Prime Minister David Lloyd George, and the Prime Minister's office sent a charter airplane to Paris, where Lloyd George was meeting with the Allied Premiers.[49]
  • Lord Byng took office as the new Governor General of Canada.[2]
  • Forty people were killed in a landslide that struck the village of Klausen.[50]
  • Giovanni De Briganti won the 1921 Schneider Trophy race at Venice, Italy, in a Macchi M.7 with an average speed of 189.7 km/h (117.9 mph).[51]
  • The Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 was signed into law by U.S. President Harding, allowing the Federal Trade Commission to regulate any company that engaged in interstate shipping of food products, specifically "livestock, livestock products, dairy products, poultry, poultry products, and eggs".[52]
  • Dr. G. Tryon Harding, father of the incumbent U.S. president, Warren Harding, surprised the White House by marrying a third time, traveling from Marion, Ohio to Monroe, Michigan to obtain a license. Dr. Harding and his longtime nurse and secretary, Alice Severns, initially drove to Canada and attempted to get a marriage license in Windsor, Ontario, only to be refused a license because of a new requirement of three months residency. The President's mother, Dr. Harding's first wife Phoebe Dickerson Harding, had died in 1910.[53]
  • Born:
  • Died: Father James Coyle, 48, Irish-born Roman Catholic priest, was murdered by Pastor E. R. Stephenson of the Southern Methodist Episcopal Church in Birmingham, Alabama after Coyle performed the marriage between Stephenson's daughter and a Puerto Rican Catholic. Stephenson would subsequently be acquitted by an Alabama jury on grounds of temporary insanity.[56]

August 12, 1921 (Friday)

  • The Allied Supreme Council, unable to work out a settlement of the Silesian boundary question between Germany and Poland, referred the matter to the League of Nations.[57]
  • The French cargo ship St Clair caught fire at Mex, Egypt; it was beached and later declared a total loss.[58]
  • Born: Abel Paz (pen name for Diego Camacho Escámez), Spanish anarchist and historian; in Almeria (d. 2009)[59]

August 13, 1921 (Saturday)

  • British Prime Minister David Lloyd George released the correspondence between himself and Sinn Fein President Éamon de Valera.[60] On July 26, the British had proposed dominion status for Ireland, with complete authority over domestic affairs including taxation, finance, a judicial system, police and education, while Britain would manage Ireland's defense and foreign affairs. De Valera had replied on August 10 that he wanted "an amicable but absolute" separation of Ireland from the United Kingdom, with the question of Northern Ireland's status to be determined by a vote of all Irish voters. Lloyd George responded that the UK could never acknowledge Irish secession from the UK.[2]
  • Maxim Litvinov of the Soviet Union announced that the Soviets would comply with the terms of aid by the American Relief Administration, including freedom of movement within Soviet borders and Russian expense for distribution of humanitarian supplies after their delivery to Russian ports.[61]
  • The National Assembly of Hungary unanimously approved the U.S. peace resolution and began negotiation for a peace treaty to end the state of war that had started with U.S. entry into World War One against Austria-Hungary.[62]
  • The Inter-Allied Finance Conference, charged by the Allied Supreme Council in recommending the disposition of German reparation payments, ruled that none of the first one billion gold marks of payment should be given to France, but toward the reconstruction of the damage in Belgium.[63]
  • Herbert Greenfield replaced Charles Stewart as Premier of Alberta, Canada.[64]
  • Stormont Castle was designated as the future home of Northern Ireland's Parliament[65]
  • Died: Samuel Pomeroy Colt, 69, American businessman and chairman of the board of the United States Rubber Company.[2]

August 14, 1921 (Sunday)


August 15, 1921 (Monday)


August 16, 1921 (Tuesday)

King Peter of Yugoslavia
  • Prince Alexander, "the Unifier", became King of Yugoslavia following the death of his father, King Peter.[75] At the time, Alexander was hospitalized in France at Neuilly-sur-Seine for appendicitis and announced that he would not be able to attend the funeral for his father in Belgrade, and was uncertain if he would be able to attend the ceremonies for his oath of accession to the throne, required to take place by August 26 or no more than ten days after the vacancy on the throne.[76][77]
  • Dáil Éireann, the first parliament to represent the people of an Irish Republic rather than the United Kingdom's Province of Southern Ireland, convened at the Mansion House in Dublin after being called into session by Éamon de Valera, despite the British position that it would not recognize a government that was not part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.[78]
  • The Soviet Union government announced a partial revocation of its policy of prohibition against the sale of alcohol and allowed the manufacture and sale of beverages containing up to 14% (or 28 proof) alcohol, such as light wine.[79]
  • Former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson formally resumed the practice of law as an attorney licensed to practice in the District of Columbia and in the federal courts, as he opened the offices of Wilson & Colby at 1315 F Street in Washington. Wilson's partner in his law firm was Bainbridge Colby, the former U.S. Secretary of State.[80]
  • Died: Peter I, King of Yugoslavia and former King of Serbia, 77[81][82]

August 17, 1921 (Wednesday)

  • The treaty creating the Permanent Court of International Justice went into effect as Spain became the necessary 24th nation to ratify the agreement.[83] Other signatory nations were the United Kingdom and its dominions, along with Albania, Austria, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland.

August 18, 1921 (Thursday)

  • British Prime Minister David Lloyd George convened a closed meeting of the British Cabinet to discuss whether the United Kingdom should continue its pursuit of the Balfour Declaration, the pledge to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine in the same area as the ancient Kingdom of Israel and Kingdom of Judah, or refer the Mandate for Palestine back to the League of Nations.[84] The discussion was prompted by reports that had reached the office of Winston Churchill, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, that Arabs and Jews in the area were securing weapons for themselves to prepare for a conflict. The two options presented to the cabinet were to withdraw from the Declaration, to allow the League of Nations to stop Jewish immigration into the area and to create an Arab national government in Palestine; or to pursue the Declaration and to create an armed Jewish force. Ultimately, no decision was made at the meeting and the plan to create a Jewish state would continue.
  • Born: Lydia Litvyak, Soviet fighter ace and the first woman pilot to shoot down an aircraft in combat; in Khrustalny, Ukraine (killed in combat, 1943)[85]
  • Died: Sir Samuel Cleland Davidson, 74, Irish engineer and inventor of the first air purification and cooling systems[86]

August 19, 1921 (Friday)

  • The United Kingdom government published the Railways Act 1921, providing for the amalgamation of British railway companies into four large groups, "The Big Four", effective January 1, 1923.[87]
  • Sheriff's deputies in Knoxville, Tennessee, fired guns into a lynch mob that was attempting to storm the Knox County Jail, wounding 26 people, two of them seriously. The leaders of a white crowd, estimated at 3,000 people, demanded that the deputies allow them to enter the jail to remove Frank Martin, an African-American suspected of the sexual assault of a white schoolteacher.[88] Sheriff William T. Cate confronted the crowd when it came within 100 feet (30 m) of the jail and "gave warning that an imaginary line between two telephone poles should not be crossed". When a dozen men defied the warning, Cate and four deputies with him fired shotguns into the air, and then were fired upon from four different people with revolvers, prompting the deputies begin shooting.
  • United States Steel Corporation cut wages for its employees for the third time since the year began, with mill workers to get 30 cents per hour effective August 29.[77]
  • Over 1,300 people had to be rescued from the Isle of Man passenger ferry King Orry after it ran aground at New Brighton, Cheshire. King Orry was refloated later that day.[89]
  • Born: Gene Roddenberry, U.S. screenwriter and producer, creator of Star Trek, in El Paso, Texas[90] (died 1991)
  • Died: Dimitrios Rallis, 81, former Prime Minister of Greece who served five different times between 1897 and 1921[77]

August 20, 1921 (Saturday)


August 21, 1921 (Sunday)

Grossmann's mug shot
  • Berlin police arrested German serial killer Karl Grossmann at his apartment, after being called by his neighbors, and found the corpse of a woman, his last victim, on his bed. Grossman had killed and dismembered at least 20 women, and perhaps disposed of some of them in the course of selling sausage from a stall he operated on the Berlin streets. After testifying in his murder trial about the details of some of his murders, Grossmann would hang himself in prison on July 5, 1922, before a verdict could be rendered.[95][96]
  • Three days before the scheduled launch of the U.S. dirigible ZR-2 in England, The Observer, London's Sunday newspaper, warned in an investigative report that ZR-2 had structural defects, including girders within the frame that had bent under the weight of the airship. The newspaper speculated that repair of the defects would take at least three weeks or the flight would have to be postponed until 1922.[97]
  • Born:

August 22, 1921 (Monday)

Nejd in western Saudi Arabia
  • The Sultanate of Nejd, which would conquer and annex the neighboring Kingdom of Hejaz to create what is now Saudi Arabia, was proclaimed by the Emir of Riyadh, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud.[100]
  • From his hospital bed in Paris, King Alexander I of Yugoslavia took the oath of accession as required by the Yugoslavian Constitution to become the new monarch of the East European nation. "I proclaim to my dear people that I shall be faithful to my father's ideals and shall watch over the constitutional liberties and rights of citizens and defend the unity of the state," the new King said in a statement, and added, "Being prevented by illness from attending the obsequies of my father and exercising the royal authority, I charge my Cabinet to act for me in the exercise of the royal power... and to follow my instructions until my return to the country."[101]
  • In the aftermath of the Coto War between Panama and Costa Rica, Panamanian authorities evacuated the disputed town of Pueblo Nuevo de Coto, formed by the Panamanians on the banks of the Coto River but determined by an American commission to be in Costa Rican territory. A warning from U.S. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes led the Panamanians to yield the town to the Costa Ricans.[77]
  • The French passenger ship Cordillère was driven ashore on the Tungsha Spit, at the mouth of the Yangtze River in China, along with the British cargo ship Glaucus and the Norwegian cargo ship Henrik, in a typhoon.[102] Cordillère's passengers and some of the crew were taken off on 24 August and all three ships were refloated on 5 September.[103]

August 23, 1921 (Tuesday)


August 24, 1921 (Wednesday)

  • The crash of the U.S. R38 dirigible ZR-2, the world's largest airship, killed 44 of its crew of 49.[107] ZR-2 was on its fourth trial flight before its scheduled delivery to the U.S. Navy and had gone aloft at 7:00 in the morning. At 6:30 p.m., as the airship was returning to a landing at RNAS Howden in Yorkshire, it suffered a structural failure in midair, then exploded and crashed into the Humber Estuary. A subsequent investigation determined that the frame of girders buckled while the pilot was attempting to turn the airship at a speed of 50 miles per hour (80 km/h).[108]
  • The United States and Austria signed a treaty ending the state of war between the U.S. and the former Austro-Hungarian Empire.[109]
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average, measure of the performance of the New York Stock Exchange reached a low point of 63.9 after a steady decline that had started on November 3, 1919. For the next eight years, the stock market would make a steady climb ending in August 1929, prior to the stock market crash of October 24, 1929.[110]
  • In the civil war following the coup d'état in Iran, rebel forces vacated Rasht as Cossack forces loyal to the government arrived. .[111]
  • Died: Royal Air Force Commodore Edward Maitland, 41, British aviation pioneer, was killed in the crash of the R-38 airship Z-2[77]

August 25, 1921 (Thursday)

USS Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm

August 26, 1921 (Friday)


August 27, 1921 (Saturday)


August 28, 1921 (Sunday)

  • On the day that the disputed territory of Burgenland, an area of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire claimed after World War One by both Austria and Hungary, was to be awarded to Austria pursuant to the Treaty of Trianon, Hungarian insurgents led by a Captain Hejjas occupied the town of Ödenburg and battled Austrian soldiers at the towns of Agendorf and Pinkafeld.[131]
  • Portugal's Prime Minister Tomé de Barros Queirós and his cabinet resigned after a dispute over whether "milicianos" —veteran military officers who had been drafted into the service and promoted (as opposed to those who had volunteered for the serve and completed officer training)— should be required to go through the training program.[132]
  • Moroccan Rif tribesmen at El Araish (called Larache by the Spanish occupiers), rebelled and killed 200 Spanish Army troops stationed in the garrison at Arba-el-Kola. The garrison would soon be recaptured by Spain.[77]
  • Troops of the Army of Nicaragua fought a battle against rebels who had come across the northern border from Honduras and reached the town of El Sauce.[77]
    Bolivian President Gueiler
    Actress Kulp
  • Born:
  • Died: Frederick Upham Adams, 62, American author and inventor of the electric light post[77]

August 29, 1921 (Monday)


August 30, 1921 (Tuesday)

  • After thousands of striking union coal miners, and strikebreakers hired by mining companies in the U.S. state of West Virginia were armed and prepared to fight each other, U.S. President Warren G. Harding issued a proclamation giving the miners a 48-hour ultimatum, directing them to disperse by noon on September 1, and announcing that he was prepared to send U.S. Army troops and to declare martial law in five West Virginia counties affected by the violence.[138]
  • Legislative elections were held in the Australian state of Victoria. Premier Harry Lawson's minority Nationalist government remained the largest party and maintained the existing coalition.[139]
  • 8,000 Austrian troops arrived at Burgenland held by Hungarian insurgents, but failed to take control of Ödenburg.[140] While Pinkafeld remained part of Austria, the showdown would ultimately prompt the League of Nations to sponsor the Sopron plebiscite in December for villages in the disputed Burgenland area.[141]
  • Commerce Minister António Granjo formed a new Portuguese government.[132]

August 31, 1921 (Wednesday)



  1. ^ Apollon Borisovich Davidson; Irina Filatova; Sheridan Johns; Valentin Gorodnov (2003). South Africa and the Communist International: Socialist pilgrims to Bolshevik footsoldiers, 1919-1930. Psychology Press. p. 84. ISBN 978-0-7146-5280-1.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i The American Review of Reviews, Volume 64 (September, 1921) pp 246-251
  3. ^ "New Pilgrim Spirit to Lead World, Declares Harding", The New York Times, August 2, 1921, p. 1
  4. ^ "Declares Liberia Entitled to Loan", The New York Times, August 2, 1921, p. 15
  5. ^ T. Rees Shapiro (September 14, 2009). "Jack Kramer, 88, Dies; Wimbledon Champion Helped Found Tennis Pro Organization". The Washington Post.
  6. ^ Fleming, Shannon E. (1991). Primo de Rivera and Abd-el-Krim: The Struggle in Spanish Morocco, 1923-1927. Garland Pub. p. 47. ISBN 9780824025489 – via Google Books.
  7. ^ "WHITE SOX PLAYERS ARE ALL ACQUITTED By CHICAGO JURY; Two Others, Indicted With Them, Are Also Declared Not Guilty. WILD SCENES IN THE COURT Cheers Greet Verdict and Jurors Lift the Freed Players to Their Shoulders. JUDGE FRIEND IS PLEASED Defense Lawyer Calls It Vindication of Most Maltreated Players--State Attorneys Silent". The New York Times. August 3, 1921. Page 1, column 6. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  8. ^ "BASEBALL LEADERS WON'T LET WHITE SOX RETURN TO THE GAME; Judge Landis, Ban Johnson and Comiskey Not Moved by Jury Verdict. HOLD CROOKEDNESS SHOWN And the Decision in Court Was Only Technical Under State Law. "BUCK" WEAVER MAY SUE But the Other Accused Men Are Not Likely to Attempt Reinstatement". The New York Times. August 4, 1921. Page 1, column 3. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  9. ^ "RUM RUNNER CAUGHT; SEE 'STARTLING' PLOT; Schooner Under British Flag Taken Beyond Three-Mile Limit Without Legal Precedent. MASTER AND MATE ESCAPE Vessel Brought Here and Her Crew Detained as Officials Seek Heads of Conspiracy". The New York Times. August 3, 1921. Page 1, column 5. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  10. ^ "Obituary: Edward D. Goldberg". Los Angeles Times. March 17, 2008. p. B7.
  11. ^ Caruso, Dorothy (1945). Enrico Caruso: His Life and Death. With a discography by Jack Caidin. New York: Simon and Schuster. p. 275.
  12. ^ "ENRICO CARUSO DIES IN NATIVE NAPLES; END CAME SUDDENLY; Famous Tenor Succumbs When Taken From Sorrento for New Operation. NATIONAL MOURNING IN ITALY Tenor, It Is Now Disclosed, Had Undergone Six Operations and Blood Transfusion. COLLEAGUES PAY TRIBUTE Called "Matchless Singer" by Those Who Sang With Him--Whole World Watched His Long Illness Here". The New York Times. August 3, 1921. Page 1, column 1. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  13. ^ Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia (12 April 2024). "Vajirañāṇavarorasa". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  14. ^ Johnson, Mary Ann (2002). McCook Field 1917–1927. Landfall Press. pp. 190–191.
  15. ^ Griffin, Roger; Feldman, Matthew (2004). Fascism: The 'fascist epoch'. Taylor & Francis. p. 22. ISBN 978-0-415-29019-7 – via Google Books.
  16. ^ Shirer, William L. (1960). The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. Simon & Schuster. p. 42.
  17. ^ Shentalinsky, Vitaliy (2007). Crime without Punishment. Moscow: Progress-Pleyada. p. 286.
  18. ^ "Jaime Camps". Olympedia. OlyMADMen. Retrieved 8 May 2024.
  19. ^ "Irish Parliament Called for Aug. 16". The New York Times. August 5, 1921. p. 2.
  20. ^ "Radio Reproduces Note Across Ocean". The New York Times. August 5, 1921. p. 3.
  21. ^ "S-12". Naval History and Heritage Command. Retrieved 3 November 2019.
  22. ^ "Wereldkampioenschap, Op de weg, Amateurs 1921".
  23. ^ "Airship ZR-2 Will Start to America Aug. 25; Expect Navy's New Giant to Beat Time of R-34". The New York Times. August 5, 1921. p. 1.
  24. ^ Christopher H. Sterling (2 December 2003). Encyclopedia of Radio 3-Volume Set. Routledge. p. 2192. ISBN 978-1-135-45649-8.
  25. ^ "First Radio Broadcast of a Baseball Game" Archived 2016-01-05 at the Wayback Machine, Digital Deli
  26. ^ "History".
  27. ^ "Spain's Moroccan Disaster Grows— Loss of Nador and Zeluan, With Garrison Massacres, Brings on Cabinet Crisis", The New York Times, August 6, 1921, p. 4
  28. ^ "Jumped Into Seat to Escape Moors", The New York Times, August 7, 1921, p. 3
  29. ^ "Coast Steamer Lost on California Reef; 12 Dead, 36 Missing", The New York Times, August 8, 1921, p. 1
  30. ^ "Promise to Free Americans Monday— Russians Make the Pledge Through Chairman of Their Relief Committee", The New York Times, August 7, 1921, p. 1
  31. ^ Christian Raitz von Frentz (1999). A Lesson Forgotten: Minority Protection Under the League of Nations : the Case of the German Minority in Poland, 1920-1934. LIT Verlag Münster. p. 78. ISBN 978-3-8258-4472-1.
  32. ^ "Manitas de Plata - obituary". The Telegraph. 7 November 2014. Retrieved 3 November 2019.
  33. ^ Brown (28 July 1978). Mandelstam. CUP Archive. p. 304. ISBN 978-0-521-29347-1.
  34. ^ "Actress Esther Williams Hospitalized". ABClocal.go.com. Associated Press. October 25, 2006. Archived from the original on June 29, 2011. Retrieved July 30, 2010. While some references cited 1922 as her year of birth, Williams told The Associated Press in 2004 that she was born August 8, 1921.
  35. ^ "J. D. Edgar, Ex-Golf Champion, Killed by an Auto in Atlanta", The New York Times, August 9, 1921, p. 1
  36. ^ "Gone with the Swing", by Steve Eubanks, Sports Illustrated, April 5, 2010
  37. ^ "Suspect Murder Now in Death of J. D. Edgar; Police Doubt Golver's Wound Was Accidental", The New York Times, August 16, 1921, p. 1
  38. ^ "Fell Dead in House of Commons", Montreal Gazette, August 9, 1921, p. 1
  39. ^ "M.P.'s Death in the Commons— Mr. Wintringham's Collapse", Manchester Guardian, August 9, 1921, p. 7
  40. ^ "Second Woman Is Elected To the House of Commons", The New York Times, September 24, 1921, p. 1
  41. ^ Julio Albi de la Cuesta, En torno a Annual (Ministerio de Defensa de España, 2016) pp. 432 - 439
  42. ^ "Moors Capture Spanish General— Arab Chief Seizes Commander and Nine Officers of Beleaguered Column— 400 Slain in One Fight", The New York Times, August 12, 1921, p. 3
  43. ^ "Arrest Gov. Small; Hold Him in $50,000", The New York Times, August 10, 1921, p. 1
  44. ^ "American Captives, Ragged and Hungry, Safe Out of Russia", The New York Times, August 11, 1921, p. 1
  45. ^ Los Angeles Herald, 10 August 1921
  46. ^ "Byng Arrives in Canada", The New York Times, August 11, 1921, p. 9
  47. ^ Tobin, James (2013). The Man He Became: How FDR Defied Polio to Win the Presidency. Simon & Schuster. pp. 50-51. ISBN 978-0743265164.
  48. ^ "Maura in Premiership", The New York Times, August 14, 1921, p. 3
  49. ^ "Irish Reply Gives New Hope of Peace; Premier Returning", The New York Times, August 12, 1921, p. 1
  50. ^ "Landslide Kills Forty In Village in the Tyrol", The New York Times, August 12, 1921, p. 1
  51. ^ Eves, Edward. The Schneider Trophy Story. Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife Publishing Ltd., 2001. ISBN 1-84037-257-5. Page=241.
  52. ^ "42 Stat. 159 (Pub. Law 67-51)", USLaw.link
  53. ^ "Dr. Harding Slips Off and Gets Married", The New York Times, August 12, 1921, p. 1
  54. ^ Perks, Robert; Thomson, Alistair, eds. (2003) [1998]. The Oral History Reader. Routledge. p. 9. ISBN 978-0-415-13351-7.
  55. ^ "Henry F. Graff, Columbia Historian of Presidents, Dies at 98", by Sam Roberts, The New York Times, April 15, 2020
  56. ^ Sharon Davies, Rising Road: A True Tale of Love, Race, and Religion in America (Oxford University Press, 2010) p.58
  57. ^ "Silesian Line Left to League Council, Harvey Not Voting", The New York Times, August 13, 1921, p. 1
  58. ^ "Casualty reports". The Times. No. 42799. London. 12 August 1921. col F, p. 15.
  59. ^ "Abel Paz, Anarchist and Historian", by Agustín Guillamón
  60. ^ "Premier Replies to De Valera Note", The New York Times, August 14, 1921, p. 1
  61. ^ "Litvinoff Yields on Relief Terms", The New York Times, August 14, 1921, p. 1
  62. ^ "Hungarian Assembly Accepts Our Peace; Gives Unanimous Approval to Resolution and Authorizes Negotiations of a Treaty", The New York Times, August 14, 1921, p. 3
  63. ^ "France Is Barred from Sharing First German Billion", The New York Times, August 15, 1921, p. 1
  64. ^ Jones, David C. (2004). "Herbert W. Greenfield". In Bradford J. Rennie (ed.). Alberta Premiers of the Twentieth Century. Regina, Saskatchewan: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina. p. 60. ISBN 0-88977-151-0.
  65. ^ The Irish Law Times and Solicitors' Journal. J. Falconer. 1921. p. 213.
  66. ^ Shannon E. Fleming (1991). Primo de Rivera and Abd-el-Krim: The Struggle in Spanish Morocco, 1923-1927. Garland Pub. p. 70. ISBN 9780824025489.
  67. ^ Ambraseys, N.; Melville, C.P.; Adams, R.D. (1994). The Seismicity of Egypt, Arabia and the Red Sea: A Historical Review. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-39120-7.
  68. ^ "Earthquakes in Eritrea; People Are Killed and House Collapse— Italy to Send Aid", The New York Times, August 17, 1921, p. 2
  69. ^ Emil Szűts, Az elmerült sziget. A Baranyai Szerb-Magyar Köztársaság (1991) p. 44
  70. ^ "Albert 'Shrimp' Burns", AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame
  71. ^ Soviet Russia. Russian Soviet Government Bureau. 1922. p. 22.
  72. ^ Alan Jackson, London's Metropolitan Railway (David & Charles, 1986) p. 229
  73. ^ James C Carey (12 June 2019). The Mexican Revolution In Yucatan, 1915-1924. Taylor & Francis. pp. 150–. ISBN 978-1-00-030331-5.
  74. ^ Obituary: Nils Christensen, The Gulf Islands Driftwood, August 16, 2017
  75. ^ Farley, Brigit, "King Aleksandar and the Royal Dictatorship in Yugoslavia," in Bernd J. Fischer (ed), Balkan Strongmen: Dictators and Authoritarian Rulers of Southeastern Europe (West Lafayette, IN, 2007) (Central European Studies), 51-86.
  76. ^ "Jugoslav Prince Ill, Incognito, in Paris; Cannot Attend the Funeral of King Peter", The New York Times, August 19, 1921, p. 1
  77. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m The American Review of Reviews, Volume 64 (October, 1921) pp 359-363
  78. ^ "De Valera for Complete Separation, He Tells Dail in First Open Session; Members Take Irish Republic Oath", The New York Times, August 17, 1921, p. 1
  79. ^ "Soviet Abolishes Prohibition; Denationalizes Real Estate", The New York Times, August 17, 1921, p. 1
  80. ^ "Wilson at His Law Offices for First Time; He Sees Clients and Walks Without Help", The New York Times, August 17, 1921, p. 1
  81. ^ Wayne S. Vucinich (1969). Contemporary Yugoslavia. University of California Press. p. 13.
  82. ^ "Aged King Peter Dies in Belgrade", The New York Times, August 17, 1921, p. 1
  83. ^ "World Court Is Now Assured; Spain 24th Nation to Ratify", The New York Times, August 18, 1921, p. 1
  84. ^ "Britain’s Secret Re-Assessment of the Balfour Declaration: The Perfidy of Albion", by John Quigley, Journal of the History of International Law (Vol. 13, No. 2, 2011), in BalfourProject.org
  85. ^ "First Female Ace: Lydia Litvyak", History.Net
  86. ^ Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. Society. 1921. p. 685.
  87. ^ Railways Act 1921, HMSO, 19 August 1921
  88. ^ "27 Are Wounded as Knoxville Mob Tries to Storm Jail", The New York Times, August 20, 1921, p. 1
  89. ^ "Wreck escapes by ladder". The Times. No. 42804. London. 20 August 1921. col F, p. 8.
  90. ^ Deborah Andrews (1992). Annual Obituary, 1991. St. James Press. p. 648. ISBN 978-1-55862-175-6.
  91. ^ "Food Agreement Signed by Soviet", The New York Times, August 21, 1921, p. 1
  92. ^ "The Moplah Rebellion of 1921", in The Moslem World (October, 1923) p.381
  93. ^ Szűts Emil: Az elmerült sziget. A Baranyai Szerb-Magyar Köztársaság (Pécs, 1991) ISBN 963-7272-42-9, p. 44, 167–168, 206–207
  94. ^ Collins, Bud (2016). The Bud Collins History of Tennis (3rd ed.). New York: New Chapter Press. p. 497. ISBN 978-1-937559-38-0.
  95. ^ Nicki Peter Petrikowski, Cannibal Serial Killers (Enslow Publishing, 2015) pp. 63-66
  96. ^ Richard Wetzell (1 May 2014). Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern Germany. Berghahn Books. p. 222. ISBN 978-1-78238-247-8.
  97. ^ "Reports Defects in Our Big Dirigible ZR-2; May Delay Her Trip Here Until Next Year", The New York Times, August 22, 1921, p. 1
  98. ^ "La 1ª matemática con Medalla Fields o la sucesora de Lévi-Strauss. Genios a quienes dijimos adiós" ("The 1st Fields Medal mathematician or the successor of Lévi-Strauss: Geniuses to whom we said goodbye"), Tribuna Feminista
  99. ^ "Askari, Nawab Khwaja Hasan", in Historical Dictionary of Bangladesh, by Syedur Rahman (Scarecrow Press, 2010) p. 89
  100. ^ Christine Helms, The Cohesion of Saudi Arabia (Taylor & Francis, 1981)
  101. ^ "Alexander Proclaims Accession to Throne", The New York Times, August 23, 1921, p. 3
  102. ^ "Casualty reports". The Times. No. 42807. London. 24 August 1921. col G, p. 4.
  103. ^ "Reinsurance rates". The Times. No. 42818. London. 6 September 1921. col B, p. 15.
  104. ^ Ali A. Allawi, Faisal I of Iraq (Yale University Press, 2014) p. 379
  105. ^ The Cambridge History of Turkey, ed. by Kate Fleet, Suraiya Faroqhi and Reşat Kasaba (Cambridge University Press, 2008) p. 138
  106. ^ George R. Feiwel, Arrow and the Foundations of the Theory of Economic Policy (Springer, 2016) p.2
  107. ^ "16 Americans, 27 British, Die in ZR-2 Wreck; Only 5 Are Saved; Explosion Rends Airship; She Falls Blazing into the River Humber", The New York Times, August 25, 1921, p. 1
  108. ^ Peter W. Brooks (17 July 1992). Zeppelin: rigid airships 1893-1940. Smithsonian Institution Press. p. 133. ISBN 978-1-56098-228-9.
  109. ^ "Primary Documents - U.S. Peace Treaty with Austria, 24 August 1921"
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  111. ^ Katouzian, Homa (2006). "The 1921 Coup". State and Society in Iran: The Eclipse of the Qajars and the Emergence of the Pahlavis. London: Tauris. pp. 242–267. ISBN 1845112725.
  112. ^ "Peace Treaty with Germany Is Signed; We Hold Versailles Compact Rights, But Assume No League Obligations", The New York Times, August 26, 1921, p. 1
  113. ^ "U.S. Peace Treaty with Germany", Brigham Young University Library
  114. ^ Tobin, James (2013). The Man He Became: How FDR Defied Polio to Win the Presidency. Simon & Schuster. pp. 69-70. ISBN 978-0743265164.
  115. ^ "F. D. Roosevelt Ill of Poliomyelitis", The New York Times, September 16, 1921, p. 1
  116. ^ Kinder, Chuck (2005). Last Mountain Dancer: Hard-Earned Lessons in Love, Loss, and Honky-Tonk. New York: Da Capo Press. p. 149. ISBN 978-0-7867-1653-1.
  117. ^ "Monty Hall, 'Let's Make a Deal' host, dead at 96", CNN.com, September 30, 2017
  118. ^ "Paulos Cardinal Tzadua", Catholic-Hierarchy.org
  119. ^ "'Memory of the Marine Corps' dies at 85", by Philip Ewing, Marine Corps Times, May 12, 2007
  120. ^ Robert Schmuhl, Ireland's Exiled Children: America and the Easter Rising (Oxford University Press, 2016) p. xvi
  121. ^ "Stanley Hill Tells of Experience on Board Ill-Fated City of Brunswick". The Tampa Tribune. 8 September 1921. p. 14. Retrieved 4 May 2019 – via Newspapers.com. 
  122. ^ "Two Assassins Kill Erzberger", The New York Times, August 27, 1921, p. 1
  123. ^ "Matthias Erzberger 1875-1921" (in German). LeMO (Living virtual Museum Online) - DHM. Retrieved 25 October 2015.
  124. ^ Петербургские историки установили дату гибели Николая Гумилева - Газета.Ru | Новости
  125. ^ На Ржевском полигоне почтили память жертв «красного террора»
  126. ^ Alexander N. Yakovlev, Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, Yale University Press (2002), pages 107-108, ISBN 0-300-08760-8.
  127. ^ Spencer Tucker (2006). World War I: A Student Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. p. 1916. ISBN 978-1-85109-879-8.
  128. ^ "Rome Wreck Killed Thirty", The New York Times, August 29, 1921, p. 3
  129. ^ "Incidente ferroviario della Magliana", Italian Wikipedia, citing "I commoventi funerali delle vittime della Magliana; I risultati dell'inchiesta", in La Stampa, September 1, 1921, p. 2, says 23 people died in the crash of passenger train number 4681, returning to Rome from Ladispoli
  130. ^ Huberty, Michel; Alain Giraud; F. et B. Magdelaine. L'Allemagne Dynastique, Tome VI : Bade-Mecklembourg. p. 235.
  131. ^ "Austrians Halt Burgenland March; Resistance of Hungarian Terrorist Bands Causes Great Anxiety in Vienna", The New York Times, August 29, 1921, p. 2
  132. ^ a b "Guardians of the Republic? Portugal's Guarda Nacional Republicana and the Politicians during the 'New World Republic', 1919-22", by Stewart Lloyd-Jones and Diego Palacios Cerezales, in Policing Interwar Europe: Continuity, Change and Crisis, 1918-40 (Springer, 2006) pp. 101-102
  133. ^ Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. (1 March 2012). Britannica Book of the Year 2012. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. p. 129. ISBN 978-1-61535-618-8.
  134. ^ "Nancy Jane Kulp", in True Prep: It's a Whole New Old World, by Lisa Birnbach and Chip Kidd (Knopf Doubleday, 2010) p.29
  135. ^ "Loew's New State Opens— Big Picture and Vaudeville Theatre Has a Fish Pool in Lobby", The New York Times, August 30, 1921, p. 10
  136. ^ Balio, Tino (March 14, 2018). MGM. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-3174-2967-8. Retrieved August 29, 2019.
  137. ^ Arnold Shaw (1989). The Jazz Age: Popular Music in the 1920's. Oxford University Press. p. 189. ISBN 978-0-19-506082-9.
  138. ^ "Harding Threatens Troops for Mingo Unless Miners Disperse by Tomorrow; Clash on Boone-Logan Line Imminent", The New York Times, August 31, 1921, p. 1
  139. ^ Colin A Hughes, A Handbook of Australian Government and Politics 1890-1964, Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1968 (ISBN 0708102700).
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  141. ^ Irredentist and National Questions in Central Europe, 1913-1939: Hungary, Seeds of Conflict series (Kraus Reprint, 1973) p. 69
  142. ^ "RAAF Museum Point Cook". Royal Australian Air Force. Archived from the original on 22 June 2012. Retrieved 7 June 2012.