
  • significance: People alter their behavior due to NSA surveillance.

Schneier: Over 700 Million People Taking Steps to Avoid NSA Surveillance: Famed technologist and EPIC Advisory Board member Bruce Schneier pushed back against media claims that Edward Snowden's revelations about the NSA have had little impact on Internet users. A recent global survey found that 39% of Internet users who have heard of Snowden have taken steps to protect their online privacy. Some news articles have characterized these users as "merely 39%" and "only 39%." But Schneier did the math and found that Snowden’s impact has been far from insignificant: "706 million people have changed their behavior on the Internet because of what the NSA and GCHQ are doing." A recent Pew survey also indicates that the NSA revelations have had a dramatic impact on Internet users. Last year, EPIC filed a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court to stop the NSA's collection of domestic telephone records, following the release of the "Verizon Order." For more information, see EPIC: In re EPIC, EPIC: Smith v. Obama, and EPIC: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Reform. (Dec. 17, 2014)"

  • contents of foia'd documents

CONSEQUENCES: : : : Ashcroft, Comey, Goldsmith, and Baker: “All” Is the “Best” Reading of “Relevant”

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Legal Documents

EPIC v. Department of Justice, Case No. 13-01961 (D.D.C. filed December 9, 2013)

  1. EPIC's Complaint Against DOJ (Dec. 9, 2013) (pdf)
  2. EPIC's Motion for a Preliminary Injunction (Dec. 9, 2013) (pdf)
  3. DOJ Memorandum in Opposition to EPIC's Motion for a Preliminary Injunction
  4. EPIC Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for a Preliminary Injunction
  5. DOJ Answer
  6. District Court Opinion Denying EPIC's Motion for a Preliminary Injunction
  7. Joint Status Report (Mar. 7, 2014)
  8. Joint Status Report (Mar. 28, 2014)
  9. Joint Status Report (July 28, 2014)
  10. Joint Status Report (Aug. 8, 2014)
  11. DOJ Motion for Summary Judgment (DATE?)
  12. DOJ Notice Regarding Ex Parte Submission of Classified Declaration of David M. Hardy (DATE?)
  13. EPIC Opposition and Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment (DATE?)
  14. DOJ Opposition and Reply (DATE?)

Court's decisions???? (DATE?)

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Text of EPIC v. Department of Justice is available from: CourtListener

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