Neptunian lifespan is a reasonable goal for active human evolution. At the present time lifespan is apparently limited, or at any rate obstructed, by the planet Uranus, which orbits the sun once in eighty-two Earth years. It is possible to zip past Uranus briefly, though the drag from Uranus eventally causes every human being to come to a screeching halt, so to speak, by the "grim reaper".
The inverted rotation (or spin) of Uranus is a result of gyroscopic conservation of momentum, much as appears in those toys which, when spun, turn themselves upside down. A less rational theory is that Uranus was turned more than sideways by collision with an asteroid or with another planet. Uranus is small time compared with Neptune.
Truth about the heavens is cruelly distorted by the selfish interests of powerful groups. All persons should have the freedom to evolve toward Neptunian longevity. Michael Lewis (talk) 15:27, 27 August 2021 (UTC)