United States
Religious affiliation in the United States House of Representatives by general faith group
Religious affiliation in the United States Senate by general faith group
Percent of adherents to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by state
Membership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by state population
Percent identifying with a religion versus no religion in the United States, 2014
Atheism in the United States by state
Highest percentage against the religious national average in the United States as of 2001
Largest religious group in the United States by state
Percent of population Lutheran by state
Percent of population ELCA by state
Percent of Jewish population by country
Prevailing religious population by country
Prevailing religious population by country (percent)
Prevailing religious population by country, excluding unaffiliated/non-religious
Lutheran World Federation 2013 Membership Figures
Percent of population Eastern Orthodox in each country
Percent of population Oriental Orthodox in each country
Percent of population Hindu in each country
Percent of population identifying as "Other Christian" (not Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox) in each country
Countries visited by Pope Francis, excluding Italy
Countries with declared state religions (specific)
Countries with declared state religions (general)
Jewish population in the United States and Canada
Largest church by Minnesota by country