THL Simplified Phonetic Transcription

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The THL Simplified Phonetic Transcription of Standard Tibetan (or THL Phonetic Transcription for short) is a system for the phonetic rendering of the Tibetan language.[1]

It was created by David Germano and Nicolas Tournadre and was published on 12 December 2003. It is essentially a simplified form of the Tournadre Phonetic System, which is used by Tournadre in his Tibetan-language textbooks.[2]

THL (formerly THDL) stands for the "Tibetan and Himalayan Library" project, which is hosted at the University of Virginia.[3]




IPA Wylie transliteration Tibetan pinyin THL
p, sp, dp, lp b p
rb, sb, sbr b b
mpà lb, ’b b b
pʰá ph, ’ph p p
pʰà b p b
bh bh bh
rm, sm, dm, smr m m
m, mr m m
db, b, w w w
t, rt, lt, st, tw, gt, bt, brt, blt, bst, bld d t
rd, sd, gd, bd, brd, bsd d d
ntá lth d
ntà zl, bzl, ld, md, ’d d d
tʰá th, mth, ’th t t
tʰà d, dw t d
rn, sn, gn, brn, bsn, mn n n
n n n
kl, gl, bl, rl, sl, brl, bsl l l
l, lw l l
l̥á lh lh lh
tsá ts, rts, sts, rtsw, stsw, gts, bts, brts, bsts z ts
tsà rdz, gdz, brdz z dz
ntsà mdz, ’dz z dz
tsʰá tsh, tshw, mtsh, ’tsh c ts
tsʰà dz c dz
s, sr, sw, gs, bs, bsr s s
z, zw, gz, bz s z
ʈʂá kr, rkr, lkr, skr, tr, pr, lpr, spr, dkr, dpr, bkr, bskr, bsr zh tr
ʈʂà rgr, lgr, sgr, dgr, dbr, bsgr, rbr, lbr, sbr zh dr
ɳʈʂà mgr, ’gr, ’dr, ’br zh dr
ʈʂʰá khr, thr, phr, mkhr, ’khr, ’phr ch tr
ʈʂʰà gr, dr, br, grw ch dr
ʂá hr sh hr
r, rw r r
r̥á rh rh
ky, rky, lky, sky, dky, bky, brky, bsky gy ky
rgy, lgy, sgy, dgy, bgy, brgy, bsgy gy gy
ɲcà mgy, ’gy gy gy
cʰá khy, mkhy, ’khy ky khy
cʰà gy ky gy
çá hy hy hy
tɕá c, cw, gc, bc, lc, py, lpy, spy, dpy j ch
tɕà rby, lby, sby, rj, gj, brj j j
ɲtɕà lj, mj, ’j, ’by j j
tɕʰá ch, mch, ’ch, phy, ’phy q ch
tɕʰà j, by q j
ɕá sh, shw, gsh, bsh x sh
ɕà zh, zhw, gzh, bzh x zh
ɲá rny, sny, gny, brny, bsny, mny, nyw, rmy, smy ny ny
ɲà ny, my ny ny
g.y y y
y, dby y y
k, rk, lk, sk, kw, dk, bk, brk, bsk g k
rg, lg, sg, dg, bg, brg, bsg g g
ŋkà lg, mg, ’g g g
kʰá kh, khw, mkh, ’kh k kh
kʰà g, gw k g
ŋá rng, lng, sng, dng, brng, bsng, mng ng ng
ŋà ng ng ng
ʔá —, db
h, hw h h


i i ĩ in
e é én
ɛ e/é ɛ̃ en/én
a a ã an
u u ũ un
o o õ on
ɔ o ɔ̃ on
y ü ün
ø ö ø̃ ön


  1. ^ Swank, H. (2014). Rewriting Shangri-La: Tibetan Youth, Migrations and Literacies in McLeod Ganj, India. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library. Brill. p. 11. ISBN 978-90-04-26390-1. Retrieved 2024-05-13.
  2. ^ Schaeffer, K.; McGrath, W.; Lang, J. (2023). Histories of Tibet: Essays in Honor of Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp. Wisdom Publications. p. 1996. ISBN 978-1-61429-808-3. Retrieved 2024-05-13.
  3. ^ About UsTHL
  4. ^ THL Simplified Phonetic Transcription of Standard Tibetan – THL