Median (geometry)

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In geometry, a median of a triangle is a line segment joining a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side, thus bisecting that side. Every triangle has exactly three medians, one from each vertex, and they all intersect at the triangle's centroid. In the case of isosceles and equilateral triangles, a median bisects any angle at a vertex whose two adjacent sides are equal in length. The concept of a median extends to tetrahedra.

The triangle medians and the centroid.

Relation to center of mass


Each median of a triangle passes through the triangle's centroid, which is the center of mass of an infinitely thin object of uniform density coinciding with the triangle.[1] Thus, the object would balance at the intersection point of the medians. The centroid is twice as close along any median to the side that the median intersects as it is to the vertex it emanates from.

Equal-area division


Each median divides the area of the triangle in half, hence the name, and hence a triangular object of uniform density would balance on any median. (Any other lines that divide triangle's area into two equal parts do not pass through the centroid.)[2][3] The three medians divide the triangle into six smaller triangles of equal area.

Proof of equal-area property


Consider a triangle ABC. Let D be the midpoint of  , E be the midpoint of  , F be the midpoint of  , and O be the centroid (most commonly denoted G).

By definition,  . Thus   and  , where   represents the area of triangle   ; these hold because in each case the two triangles have bases of equal length and share a common altitude from the (extended) base, and a triangle's area equals one-half its base times its height.

We have:


Thus,   and  

Since  , therefore,  . Using the same method, one can show that  .

Three congruent triangles


In 2014 Lee Sallows discovered the following theorem:[4]

The medians of any triangle dissect it into six equal area smaller triangles as in the figure above where three adjacent pairs of triangles meet at the midpoints D, E and F. If the two triangles in each such pair are rotated about their common midpoint until they meet so as to share a common side, then the three new triangles formed by the union of each pair are congruent.

Formulas involving the medians' lengths


The lengths of the medians can be obtained from Apollonius' theorem as:       where   and   are the sides of the triangle with respective medians   and   from their midpoints.

These formulas imply the relationships:[5]      

Other properties


Let ABC be a triangle, let G be its centroid, and let D, E, and F be the midpoints of BC, CA, and AB, respectively. For any point P in the plane of ABC then[6]  

The centroid divides each median into parts in the ratio 2:1, with the centroid being twice as close to the midpoint of a side as it is to the opposite vertex.

For any triangle with sides   and medians  [7]  

The medians from sides of lengths   and   are perpendicular if and only if  [8]

The medians of a right triangle with hypotenuse   satisfy  

Any triangle's area T can be expressed in terms of its medians  , and   as follows. If their semi-sum   is denoted by   then[9]  


medians of a tetrahedron


A tetrahedron is a three-dimensional object having four triangular faces. A line segment joining a vertex of a tetrahedron with the centroid of the opposite face is called a median of the tetrahedron. There are four medians, and they are all concurrent at the centroid of the tetrahedron.[10] As in the two-dimensional case, the centroid of the tetrahedron is the center of mass. However contrary to the two-dimensional case the centroid divides the medians not in a 2:1 ratio but in a 3:1 ratio (Commandino's theorem).

See also



  1. ^ Weisstein, Eric W. (2010). CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Second Edition. CRC Press. pp. 375–377. ISBN 9781420035223.
  2. ^ Bottomley, Henry. "Medians and Area Bisectors of a Triangle". Archived from the original on 2019-05-10. Retrieved 27 September 2013.
  3. ^ Dunn, J. A., and Pretty, J. E., "Halving a triangle," Mathematical Gazette 56, May 1972, 105-108. DOI 10.2307/3615256 Archived 2023-04-05 at the Wayback Machine
  4. ^ Sallows, Lee (2014). "A Triangle Theorem". Mathematics Magazine. 87 (5): 381. doi:10.4169/math.mag.87.5.381. ISSN 0025-570X.
  5. ^ Déplanche, Y. (1996). Diccio fórmulas. Medianas de un triángulo. Edunsa. p. 22. ISBN 978-84-7747-119-6. Retrieved 2011-04-24.
  6. ^ Problem 12015, American Mathematical Monthly, Vol.125, January 2018, DOI: 10.1080/00029890.2018.1397465
  7. ^ Posamentier, Alfred S., and Salkind, Charles T., Challenging Problems in Geometry, Dover, 1996: pp. 86–87.
  8. ^ Boskoff, Homentcovschi, and Suceava (2009), Mathematical Gazette, Note 93.15.
  9. ^ Benyi, Arpad, "A Heron-type formula for the triangle", Mathematical Gazette 87, July 2003, 324–326.
  10. ^ Leung, Kam-tim; and Suen, Suk-nam; "Vectors, matrices and geometry", Hong Kong University Press, 1994, pp. 53–54