List of constituencies of the National Parliament of Solomon Islands

There are 50 constituencies in Solomon Islands, each electing one Member of Parliament (MP) to the National Parliament.[1] Elections are held every four years; the most recent took place on 17th April 2024.[2]

A map of the 50 constituencies, as of the 2019 general election.



The following is the list of constituencies such as it was at the time of the 2006 general election, and the MP elected in each constituency.[1][3][4]

Constituencies of the National Parliament of Solomon Islands
Constituency Province Electorate
Aoke-Langalanga Malaita 7,365
Baegu-Asifola 7,016
Central Guadalcanal Guadalcanal 5,089
Central Honiara Honiara City Council 19,539
Central Kwara'ae Malaita 8,977
Central Makira 4,722
East ꞌAreꞌare 5,235
East Central Guadalcanal Guadalcanal 5,896
East Choiseul Choiseul 4,028
East Guadalcanal Guadalcanal 6,230
East Honiara Honiara City Council 30,049
East Kwaio Malaita 8,856
East Makira Makira 6,805
East Malaita Malaita 6,379
Fataleka 6,586
Gao-Bugotu Isabel
Gizo-Kolombangara Western
Hograno-Kia-Havulei Isabel
Lau Mbaelelea Malaita
Malaita Outer Islands
Maringe-Kokota Isabel
Marovo Western
Nggella Central Province
North East Guadalcanal Guadalcanal
North Guadalcanal
North Malaita Malaita
North New Georgia Western
North Vella La Vella
North West Choiseul Choiseul
North West Guadalcanal Guadalcanal
Rannogga-Simbo Western
Rennell Bellona Rennell Bellona
Savo-Russells Central Province
Shortlands Western
South Choiseul Choiseul
South Guadalcanal Guadalcanal
Small Malaita Malaita
South New Georgia-Rendova-Tetepare Western
South Vella La Vella
Temotu Nende Temotu
Temotu Pele
Temotu Vatud
Ugi-Ulawa Makira
West ꞌAreꞌare Malaita
West Guadalcanal Guadalcanal
West Honiara Honiara City Council
West Kwaio Malaita
West Kwara'ae
West Makira Makira
West New Georgia - Vona Vona Western Province


  1. ^ a b "Constituencies and their Members of Parliament", National Parliament of Solomon Islands
  2. ^ "What is Parliament?", National Parliament of Solomon Islands
  3. ^ 2006 election results Archived 6 June 2011 at the Wayback Machine, National Parliament of Solomon Islands
  4. ^ "Listing of Members of Parliament by Political Parties", National Parliament of Solomon Islands