Text Appearing Before Image: till >\oa HORIZONTAl III* MOUN1 Wl LAR OBJ TORY (The 1 THE SOLAR OBSERVATORY ON MOUNT WILSON 95 Text Appearing After Image: A WINTER SCENE ON MOUNT WILSON(The house of the horizontal telescope covered by snow) able to trace the evolution of worlds. Thescheme for a solar observatory as it was formu-lated by I >r Hale «ompri-L-d : solar in-ribute toward our knowl-of the sun both as a typi photo-hic an«i ;>\> studies of theand nebulae tearing directly upon their phys-iture ith reference to. theirlopment; f;i laboratory investigationsthe interpretation of solar and Cellar I ■■ thus -. it i ould be construed primarily for solar reaean b,though the term -<.lar oI ,!<1 be ■ of the Carnegie Institution, of which ProfessorHale was a member, and a general outline ofoperations was formulated. The first essentialthe mountain site for the observatory,and astronomers made examinations of manyavailable stations where altitude, atmosphericconditions, and geographical position mightprove satisfactory. From temporary stationsor permanent obser
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