// If TwinkleConfig aint exist.
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig = {};
TwinkleConfig.deletionSummaryAd (string)
If ad should be added or not to deletion summary, default [[WP:TWINKLE|TWINKLE]]
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.deletionSummaryAd ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.deletionSummaryAd = " using [[WP:TW|TW]]";
TwinkleConfig.batchundeleteChunks (integer)
How many pages should be processed at a time
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.batchUndeleteChunks ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.batchundeleteChunks = 50;
TwinkleConfig.batchUndeleteMinCutOff (integer)
How many pages left in the process of being completed should allow a new batch to be initialized
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.batchUndeleteMinCutOff ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.batchUndeleteMinCutOff = 5;
TwinkleConfig.batchMax (integer)
How many pages should be processed maximum
if( typeof( TwinkleConfig.batchMax ) == 'undefined' ) {
TwinkleConfig.batchMax = 5000;
function twinklebatchundelete() {
if( wgNamespaceNumber != Namespace.USER ) {
if( userIsInGroup( 'sysop' ) ) {
twAddPortletLink( "javascript:twinklebatchundelete.callback()", "Und-batch", "tw-batch-undel", "Undelete 'em all", "");
window.TwinkleInit = (window.TwinkleInit || []).concat( twinklebatchundelete ); //schedule initializer.
twinklebatchundelete.callback = function twinklebatchundeleteCallback() {
var Window = new SimpleWindow( 800, 400 );
var form = new QuickForm( twinklebatchundelete.callback.evaluate );
form.append( {
type: 'textarea',
name: 'reason',
label: 'Reason: ',
value: 'Twinkle batch undelete API testing' // #################### testing only ###################
} );
var query = {
'action': 'query',
'generator': 'links',
'titles': wgPageName,
'gpllimit' : TwinkleConfig.batchMax, // the max for sysops
'prop' : 'info',
'intoken' : 'delete', // It appears that edit, move, and delete tokens are identical, but "delete" seems appropriate for this function
var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( 'Grabbing pages', query, function( apiobj ) {
var xmlDoc =apiobj.responseXML;
var deletetoken = $(xmlDoc).find('page').attr('deletetoken');
// Get a list of referenced redlinked pages and build a list to be displayed as checkboxes
var list = $(xmlDoc).find('page[missing*=""]').map( function() {
var page = $(this).attr('title');
return { label:page, value:page, checked: true };
apiobj.params.form.append( {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'pages',
list: list
apiobj.params.form.append( {
type: 'hidden',
name: 'deletetoken',
value: deletetoken
apiobj.params.form.append( { type:'submit' } );
var result = apiobj.params.form.render();
apiobj.params.Window.setContent( result );
} );
wikipedia_api.params = { form:form, Window:Window };
var root = document.createElement( 'div' );
Status.init( root );
Window.setContent( root );
twinklebatchundelete.currentUndeleteCounter = 0;
twinklebatchundelete.callback.evaluate = function( event ) {
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.notice = 'Status';
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.postfix = 'batch undeletion is now completed';
var pages = event.target.getChecked( 'pages' );
var reason = event.target.reason.value;
var deletetoken = event.target.deletetoken.value;
if( ! reason ) {
Status.init( event.target );
if( !pages ) {
Status.error( 'Error', 'nothing to undelete, aborting' );
var work = pages.chunk( TwinkleConfig.batchUndeleteChunks );
twinklebatchundelete.currentundeleteor = window.setInterval( twinklebatchundelete.callbacks.main, 1000, work, reason, deletetoken );
twinklebatchundelete.callbacks = {
main: function( work, reason, deletetoken ) {
if( work.length == 0 && twinklebatchundelete.currentUndeleteCounter <= 0 ) {
Status.info( 'work done' );
window.clearInterval( twinklebatchundelete.currentundeleteor );
} else if( work.length != 0 && twinklebatchundelete.currentUndeleteCounter <= TwinkleConfig.batchUndeleteMinCutOff ) {
var pages = work.shift();
twinklebatchundelete.currentUndeleteCounter += pages.length;
for( var i = 0; i < pages.length; ++i ) {
var title = pages[i];
var query = {
'action': 'undelete',
'title': title,
'reason ': reason + '.' + TwinkleConfig.deletionSummaryAd,
'token': deletetoken
var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( "Undeleting " + title, query, twinklebatchundelete.callbacks.UndeleteComplete);
wikipedia_api.params = { 'title' : title };
UndeleteComplete: function(apiobj) {
var xmlDoc = apiobj.responseXML;
//alert("TRACE: Undelete completion callback: xmlString= \n" + (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(apiobj.responseXML) + "[END]");
var link = document.createElement( 'a' );
link.setAttribute( 'href', wgArticlePath.replace( '$1', apiobj.params.title ) );
link.setAttribute( 'title', apiobj.params.title );
link.appendChild( document.createTextNode( apiobj.params.title ) );
apiobj.statelem.info( [ 'completed (' , link , ')' ] );