Personal life |
29Y | This Wikipedian was born on 21 November 1995 and is 29 years, 1 months, and 1 days old. |
| This user was born on November 21. |
Red | This user's favourite colour is red. |
| This user has ASD. |
Time |
day | Today is Sunday. | |
| The time at this user's location: 2024-12-23 01:24 UTC+8 |
| It is approximately 1:24 AM where this user lives. |
Wikipedia |
| This user has been on Wikipedia for 15 years, 5 months and 3 days. |
| This user has been editing Wikipedia for more than 15 years (since 2009). |
Computer |
| This user uses Google as a primary search engine. |
| This user uses the Wayback Machine to access webpages that would otherwise have been lost to the sands of time. |
Social |
| This user posts on X. |
| This user answers and asks questions on Quora |
| This user is on Bluesky with the handle |