Garcjr in El Paso

User Garcjr: J.R. Garcia, was born on April 6th, 1987. In Phoenix, Arizona. Currently resides in Tucson, Arizona. Jose is currently earning a bachelor's degree at Pima Community College, and plans on going to the University of Arizona for a civil-engineering degree. In no way does Jose plan on being an administrator at Wikipedia. However, Jose may get a crazy hair and request to be one. Jose has been on here ever since Tucson had unusuaal weather. That would be in June July of 2006; Jose has been contributing, sort of, since the earlier part of 2006.

So why is Garcjr (Jose) here?


Garcjr makes slight corrections to existing articles and corrects them, and so on and so on. Sometimes Garcjr will create articles for Wikipedia from scratch. Garcjr is still learning how to edit wikipedia, and expects to take some time.

The following contributions corrections include


From Scratch
