List of Thor and Delta launches (2000–2009)

Between 2000 and 2009, there were 72 Thor-derived rockets launched, of which 70 were successful, giving a 97.2% success rate.

List of Thor and Delta launches
1957–1959 · 1960–1969 · 1970–1979 · 1980–1989 · 1990–1999 · 2000–2009 · 2010–2019 · 2020–2024

Notable missions


2001 Mars Odyssey


Mars Exploration Rover A and B (Spirit and Opportunity)


Spitzer Space Telescope








Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE)


Launch statistics


Rocket configurations

  •   Delta II (7000)
  •   Delta II (7000H)
  •   Delta III (8000)
  •   Delta IV Medium
  •   Delta IV Medium+ (4,2)
  •   Delta IV Medium+ (5,4)
  •   Delta IV Heavy

Launch sites

  •   Cape Canaveral SLC-17A
  •   Cape Canaveral SLC-17B
  •   Cape Canaveral SLC-37B
  •   Vandenberg SLC-2W
  •   Vandenberg SLC-6

Launch outcomes

  •   Success
  •   Partial Failure

Launch history




There were 7 Thor missiles launched in 2000. 6 of the 7 launches were successful, giving an 85.7% success rate.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
276 February 8, 2000
Delta II 7420-10C CCAFS SLC-17B Globalstar 7 550 kg LEO Globalstar Success[1]
Mobile Communications
277 March 25, 2000
Delta II 7326-9.5 VAFB SLC-2W IMAGE 210 kg Polar NASA Success[2]
Solar Wind Monitoring
278 May 11, 2000
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-150 (GPS IIR-4) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[3]
Navigation satellite
279 July 16, 2000
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-151 (GPS IIR-5) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[4]
Navigation satellite
280 August 23, 2000
Delta III 8930 CCAFS SLC-17B DM-F3 4383 kg GTO US Air Force Partial failure[5]
Reached lower than planned orbit, final flight of Delta III, Demosat
281 November 10, 2000
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-154 (GPS IIR-6) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[6]
Navigation satellite
282 November 21, 2000
Delta II 7320-10 VAFB SLC-2W EO-1/SAC-C 573 kg LEO NASA Success[7]
Earth Observing



There were 7 Thor missiles launched in 2001. All 7 launches were successful.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
283 January 30, 2001
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-156 (GPS IIR-7) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[8]
Navigation satellite
284 April 7, 2001
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A Mars Odyssey 376.3 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[9]
Mars orbiter
285 May 18, 2001
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B GeoLITE 1800 kg GTO US NRO Success[10]
Technology Demonstrator
286 June 30, 2001
Delta II 7425-10 CCAFS SLC-17B WMAP 763 kg Sun-Earth L2 NASA Success[11]
Cosmic microwave background experiments, First flight with a 10-foot (3.0 m) composite fairing.
287 August 8, 2001
Delta II 7326-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A Genesis Probe 494 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[12]
Solar Wind sample return
288 October 18, 2001
Delta II 7320-10 VAFB SLC-2W QuickBird 951 kg SSO DigitalGlobe Success[13]
Earth Imaging
289 December 7, 2001
Delta II 7920-10 VAFB SLC-2W Jason-1/TIMED 1160 kg LEO NASA Success[14]
100th Delta II launch, Earth Observation



There were 4 Thor missiles launched in 2002. All 4 launches were successful.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
290 February 11, 2002
Delta II 7920-10C VAFB SLC-2W Iridium IS-1 689 kg LEO Iridium Communications Success[15]
Mobile Communications
291 May 4, 2002
Delta II 7920-10L VAFB SLC-2W Aqua 3,117 kg LEO NASA Success[16]
Earth Observation
292 July 3, 2002
Delta II 7425 CCAFS SLC-17A CONTOUR 328 kg Heliocentric NASA Success [17]
Payload later failed, Comet probe
293 November 20, 2002
Delta IV-M+ (4,2) CCAFS SLC-37B Eutelsat W5 1,400 kg GTO Eutelsat Success[18]
First Delta IV launch, Commercial communications satellite



There were 9 Thor missiles launched in 2003. All 9 launches were successful.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
294 January 13, 2003
Delta II 7320-10 VAFB SLC-2W ICESat, CHIPSat 1304 kg SSO NASA Success[19]
Earth science satellite, Astronomical satellite
295 January 29, 2003
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B USA-166 (GPS IIR-8) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[20]
Navigation satellite
296 March 11, 2003
Delta IV-M CCAFS SLC-37B USA-167 (DSCS-3 A3) Classified GTO US Air Force Success[21]
Military communications satellite, First Delta IV Medium launch, First USAF EELV mission
297 March 31, 2003
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-168 (GPS IIR-9) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[22]
Navigation satellite
298 June 10, 2003
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A Spirit (MER-A) 185 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[23]
Mars rover
299 July 8, 2003
Delta II 7925H-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B Opportunity (MER-B) 185 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[24]
Mars rover, First Delta II Heavy launch (with GEM 46s used on the Delta III)
300 August 25, 2003
Delta II 7920H-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B Spitzer Space Telescope (SIRTF) 851.5 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[25]
Infra-red telescope, 300th Delta rocket mission, First Delta II Heavy launch without a third-stage motor
301 August 29, 2003
Delta IV-M CCAFS SLC-37B USA-170 (DSCS-3 B6) Classified GTO US Air Force Success[26]
Military communications satellite
302 December 21, 2003
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-175 (GPS IIR-10) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[27]
Navigation satellite



There were 8 Thor missiles launched in 2004. 7 of the 8 launches were successful, giving an 87.5% success rate.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
303 March 20, 2004
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B USA-177 (GPS IIR-11) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[28]
Navigation satellite
304 April 20, 2004
Delta II 7920-10C VAFB SLC-2W Gravity Probe B 3,100 kg Polar Orbit NASA Success[29]
Science satellite
305 June 23, 2004
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B USA-178 (GPS IIR-12) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[30]
Navigation satellite
306 July 15, 2004
Delta II 7920-10L VAFB SLC-2W Aura 2,970 kg SSO NASA Success[31]
Atmospheric science satellite, First use of a stretched 10-foot (3.0 m)-wide fairing
307 August 3, 2004
Delta II 7925H-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B MESSENGER 1,107.9 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[32]
Mercury probe
308 November 6, 2004
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B USA-180 (GPS IIR-13) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[33]
Navigation satellite
309 November 20, 2004
Delta II 7320-10C CCAFS SLC-17A Swift 843 kg LEO NASA Success[34]
Gamma-ray telescope
310 December 21, 2004
Delta IV Heavy CCAFS SLC-37B DemoSat[35] / 3CS-1 / 3CS-2 >6020 kg GSO (planned) Partial failure[36]
Demonstration payload, Payloads did not reach correct orbits, First Delta IV Heavy launch



There were 3 Thor missiles launched in 2005. All 3 launches were successful.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
311 January 12, 2005
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS, SLC-17B Deep Impact 650 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[37]
Comet probe
312 May 20, 2005
Delta II 7320-10C VAFB, SLC-2W NOAA-18 1457 kg SSO NOAA Success [38]
Weather satellite
313 September 26, 2005
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS, SLC-17A USA-183 (GPS IIR-M-1) 2,032 kg MEO U.S. Air Force Success [39]
Navigation satellite



There were 9 Thor missiles launched in 2006. All 9 launches were successful.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
314 April 28, 2006
Delta II 7420-10C VAFB SLC-2W CloudSat, CALIPSO 1287 kg SSO NASA Success[40]
Two Atmospheric Satellites
315 May 24, 2006
Delta IV-M+ (4,2) CCAFS SLC-37B GOES-N (GOES-13) 3,133 kg GTO NASA/NOAA Success[41]
First Delta IV launch for NASA, Weather satellite
316 June 21, 2006
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A Microsatellite Technology Experiment (MiTEx) (USA 187/USA 188/USA 189) GTO US Air Force Success[42]
Navy upper stage test, small sat launch
317 June 28, 2006
Delta IV-M+ (4,2) VAFB SLC-6 NROL-22 Molniya US NRO Success[43]
First Delta IV launch from Vandenberg, Reconnaissance satellite
318 September 25, 2006
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-190 (GPS IIR-M-2) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[44]
Navigation satellite
319 October 26, 2006
Delta II 7925-10L CCAFS SLC-17B STEREO 547 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[45]
Two solar observatories
320 November 4, 2006
Delta IV-M VAFB SLC-6 DMSP F17 Classified SSO DoD Success[46]
First Delta IV launch into a LEO/SSO, Military weather satellite
321 November 17, 2006
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-192 (GPS IIR-M-3) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[47]
Navigation satellite
322 December 14, 2006
Delta II 7920-10 VAFB SLC-2W USA-193 (NROL-21) 2,300 kg LEO US NRO Success[48]
First launch by United Launch Alliance. Reconnaissance satellite. Payload failed shortly after deployment; would eventually be destroyed on February 20, 2008, by an ASAT.



There were 9 Thor missiles launched in 2007. All 9 launches were successful.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
323 February 17, 2007
Delta II 7925-10C CCAFS SLC-17B THEMIS 77 kg HEO NASA Success[49]
Five magnetosphere observatories
324 June 8, 2007
Delta II 7420-10 VAFB SLC-2W COSMO-SkyMed 1 LEO ASI Success[50]
Earth imaging/reconnaissance, Italian government
325 August 4, 2007
Delta II 7925 CCAFS SLC-17A Phoenix 350 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[51]
Mars lander
326 September 18, 2007
Delta II 7920-10 VAFB SLC-2W DigitalGlobe WorldView-1 2,500 kg SSO DigitalGlobe Success[52]
Commercial Earth imaging satellite
327 September 27, 2007
Delta II 7925H-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17B Dawn 747.1 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[53]
Asteroid probe
328 October 17, 2007
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-196 (GPS IIR-M-4) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[54]
Navigation satellite
329 November 11, 2007
Delta IV Heavy CCAFS SLC-37B DSP-23 5,250 kg GSO US Air Force Success[55]
First Delta IV launch contracted by United Launch Alliance and first operational Delta IV Heavy launch. Launch delayed due to damage to launch pad caused by a liquid oxygen leak.[56] Missile warning satellite. Spacecraft eventually stopped transmitting in September 2008.[57]
330 December 9, 2007
Delta II 7420-10 VAFB SLC-2W COSMO-2 LEO ASI Success[58]
Italian government, Earth imaging/reconnaissance
331 December 20, 2007
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-199 (GPS IIR-M-5) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[59]
Navigation satellite



There were 5 Thor missiles launched in 2008. All 5 launches were successful.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
332 March 15, 2008
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-201 (GPS IIR-M-6) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[60]
80th consecutive successful launch, Navigation satellite
333 June 11, 2008
Delta II 7920H-10C CCAFS SLC-17B GLAST 4,303 kg LEO NASA Success[61]
First Delta II Heavy launch with a 10-foot (3.0 m)-wide composite fairing, Gamma-ray Telescope
334 June 20, 2008
Delta II 7320 VAFB SLC-2W Jason-2 510 kg LEO NASA Success[62]
Ocean topography
335 September 6, 2008
Delta II 7420-10 VAFB SLC-2W GeoEye-1 1,955 kg LEO DigitalGlobe Success[63]
Earth imaging
336 October 25, 2008
Delta II 7420 VAFB SLC-2W COSMO-3 LEO ASI Success[64]
Earth imaging/reconnaissance



There were 11 Thor missiles launched in 2009. All 11 launches were successful.

Flight No. Date / time (UTC) Rocket,
Launch site Payload Payload mass Orbit Customer Launch
337 January 18, 2009
Delta IV Heavy CCAFS SLC-37B USA-202 (NROL-26) Classified GSO US NRO Success[65]
Reconnaissance satellite
338 February 6, 2009
Delta II 7320-10C VAFB SLC-2W NOAA-19 (NOAA-N Prime) 1,440 kg SSO NOAA Success[66]
Weather satellite
339 March 7, 2009
Delta II 7925-10L CCAFS SLC-17B Kepler 478 kg Heliocentric NASA Success[67]
Space photometer
340 March 24, 2009
Delta II 7925-9.5 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-203 (GPS IIR-M-7) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[68]
Navigation satellite
341 May 5, 2009
Delta II 7920-10C VAFB SLC-2W USA-205 (STSS-ATRR/GMD Block 2010 SRR) Classified LEO MDA Success[69]
Satellite Technology
342 June 27, 2009
Delta IV-M+ (4,2) CCAFS SLC-37B GOES-O (GOES-14) 3,133 kg GTO NASA/NOAA Success[70]
Weather satellite
343 August 17, 2009
Delta II 7925 CCAFS SLC-17A USA-206 (GPS IIRM-8) 2,032 kg MEO US Air Force Success[71]
Navigation satellite, Final launch from SLC-17A, Final Delta II launch for the USAF, Final use of the 7925 configuration
344 September 25, 2009
Delta II 7920-10C CCAFS SLC-17B USA-208/209 (STSS Demo/GMD Block 2006) LEO US Air Force Success[72]
90th consecutive success for Delta II, Missile Defense Technology test
345 October 8, 2009
Delta II 7920-10C VAFB SLC-2W WorldView-2 2,800 kg LEO DigitalGlobe Success[73]
Earth imaging/reconnaissance
346 December 6, 2009
Delta IV-M+ (5,4) CCAFS SLC-37B USA-211 (WGS-3) 5,987 kg GTO US Air Force Success[74]
First Delta IV Medium+ (5,4) launch, Communication satellite
347 December 14, 2009
Delta II 7320-10C VAFB SLC-2W WISE 347 kg LEO NASA Success[75]
Space telescope



See also



  1. ^ "Globalstar constellation completed with Delta launch". Spaceflight Now. February 8, 2000.
  2. ^ "Space weather satellite launched by Boeing rocket". Spaceflight Now. March 26, 2000.
  3. ^ "Delta rocket launches replacement GPS satellite". Spaceflight Now. May 11, 2000.
  4. ^ "Delta rocket shows what it's like to launch into the night". Spaceflight Now. July 16, 2000.
  5. ^ "Delta 3 rocket falls short but still a success, Boeing says". Spaceflight Now. August 24, 2000.
  6. ^ "Venerable Delta 2 notches another successful launch". Spaceflight Now. November 10, 2000.
  7. ^ "Delta 2 rocket puts three satellites into Earth orbit". Spaceflight Now. November 22, 2000.
  8. ^ "Boeing Delta 2 rocket lofts another GPS satellite". Spaceflight Now. January 30, 2001.
  9. ^ "New Martian odyssey begins". Spaceflight Now. April 7, 2001.
  10. ^ "Delta 2 launches spy satellite technology demonstrator". Spaceflight Now. May 18, 2001.
  11. ^ "Craft launched to unlock secrets of the universe". Spaceflight Now. June 30, 2001.
  12. ^ "NASA probe launched to retrieve bits of our origins". Spaceflight Now. August 8, 2001.
  13. ^ "Commercial Earth-imager rockets into space atop Delta". Spaceflight Now. October 16, 2001.
  14. ^ "Two science satellites launched by 100th Delta 2". Spaceflight Now. December 7, 2001.
  15. ^ "Delta 2 rocket launches quintet of Iridium satellites". Spaceflight Now. February 11, 2002.
  16. ^ "New environmental eye on Earth launched into space". Spaceflight Now. May 4, 2002.
  17. ^ "Probe launched to see fossils from formation of planets". Spaceflight Now. July 3, 2002.
  18. ^ "Boeing's Delta 4 rocket debuts successfully". Spaceflight Now. November 20, 2002.
  19. ^ "Delta 2 pulls double duty with launch of two satellites". Spaceflight Now. January 12, 2003.
  20. ^ "Delta rocket launches GPS navigation satellite". Spaceflight Now. January 29, 2003.
  21. ^ "Delta 4 rocket successfully begins military service". Spaceflight Now. March 10, 2003.
  22. ^ "Delta doesn't disappoint in successful GPS launch". Spaceflight Now. March 31, 2003.
  23. ^ "Spirit rover begins seven-month cruise to Mars". Spaceflight Now. June 10, 2003.
  24. ^ "Opportunity launched to Mars". Spaceflight Now. July 8, 2003.
  25. ^ "300th Delta rocket launches new window on Universe". Spaceflight Now. August 25, 2003.
  26. ^ "Delta 4 rocket delivers last Air Force DSCS satellite". Spaceflight Now. August 29, 2003.
  27. ^ "Upgraded satellite en route to GPS constellation". Spaceflight Now. December 21, 2003.
  28. ^ "Newest GPS spacecraft successfully soars into orbit". Spaceflight Now. March 20, 2004.
  29. ^ "Spacecraft launched to test Albert Einstein's theories". Spaceflight Now. April 20, 2004.
  30. ^ "Delta rocket successfully launches one for The Gipper". Spaceflight Now. June 23, 2004.
  31. ^ "Craft launched to probe atmosphere's chemistry". Spaceflight Now. July 15, 2004.
  32. ^ "Probe roars away from Earth on voyage to orbit Mercury". Spaceflight Now. August 3, 2004.
  33. ^ "Delta rocket puts on late-night show with GPS launch". Spaceflight Now. November 6, 2004.
  34. ^ "Spacecraft launched to observe cataclysmic blasts". Spaceflight Now. November 20, 2004.
  35. ^ "The DemoSat payload (Boeing Fact Sheet)". Spaceflight Now. 2004-12-01.
  36. ^ Ray, Justin (December 22, 2004). "Delta 4-Heavy hits snag on test flight". Spaceflight Now.
  37. ^ "Probe launched to smack heart of wandering comet". Spaceflight Now. January 12, 2005.
  38. ^ "Delta 2 rocket delivers weather satellite into space". Spaceflight Now. May 20, 2005.
  39. ^ "GPS modernization begins with Delta rocket launch". Spaceflight Now. September 26, 2005.
  40. ^ "7th shot the lucky one for Delta rocket launch". Spaceflight Now. April 28, 2006.
  41. ^ "Weather observatory for Americas ascends to space". Spaceflight Now. May 24, 2006.
  42. ^ "Delta 2 rocket puts military experiment into space". Spaceflight Now. June 21, 2006.
  43. ^ "New era of rocket launches begins at California base". Spaceflight Now. June 27, 2006.
  44. ^ "Updating the GPS satellite constellation takes next step". Spaceflight Now. September 25, 2006.
  45. ^ "Spacecraft launched to see the sun in a new dimension". Spaceflight Now. October 25, 2006.
  46. ^ "Military weather satellite rockets into polar orbit". Spaceflight Now. November 4, 2006.
  47. ^ "Delta 2 rocket completes another GPS satellite delivery". Spaceflight Now. November 17, 2006.
  48. ^ "United Launch Alliance Joint Venture Completes First Launch". United Launch Alliance. December 14, 2006. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  49. ^ "United Launch Alliance First East Coast Launch a Total Success". United Launch Alliance. February 17, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  50. ^ "ULA Successfully Launches COSMO SkyMed-1". United Launch Alliance. June 7, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  51. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches NASAs Phoenix Spacecraft". United Launch Alliance. August 4, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  52. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches 75th Consecutive Delta II on U.S. Air Force 60th Anniversary". United Launch Alliance. September 18, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  53. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches Dawn Mission for NASA". United Launch Alliance. September 27, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  54. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches GPS IIR-17 Mission for Air Force". United Launch Alliance. October 17, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  55. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Completes First Operational Delta IV Heavy Launch". United Launch Alliance. November 10, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  56. ^ "Delta Pad Damage Assessed After Fuel Leak". Aviation Week. Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2007-06-30.
  57. ^ Shalal-Esa, Andrea (2008-11-24). "U.S. missile-warning satellite fails". Reuters. Retrieved 2008-11-25.
  58. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches 2nd COSMO Satellite". United Launch Alliance. December 8, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  59. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches GPS IIR-18 Mission for Air Force". United Launch Alliance. December 20, 2007. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
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  62. ^ "NASA Launches Ocean Satellite to Keep a Weather, Climate Eye Open". NASA. Archived from the original on 2020-11-09. Retrieved 2009-08-24.
  63. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches GeoEye-1 Commercial Satellite". United Launch Alliance. September 7, 2008. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  64. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches Third Italian COSMO Satellite". United Launch Alliance. October 24, 2008. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
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  68. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches 47th Air Force GPS Mission". United Launch Alliance. March 24, 2009. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  69. ^ "United Launch Alliance Successfully Launches Missile Defense Mission". United Launch Alliance. May 5, 2009. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
  70. ^ "NASA and NOAA's GOES-O Satellite Successfully Launched". NASA KSC. 2009-06-27. Archived from the original on 2009-06-29. Retrieved 2009-06-28.
  71. ^ "ULA Delta II Completes 20 Year Era with Successful Air Force GPS IIR-21 Launch". United Launch Alliance. August 17, 2009. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.
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  74. ^ Ray, Justin (2009-12-05). "New communications craft launched for U.S. military". Spaceflight Now. Retrieved 2009-12-06.
  75. ^ "ULA Caps Banner Launch Year with Successful Delta II NASA WISE Launch". United Launch Alliance. December 14, 2009. Archived from the original on December 7, 2013. Retrieved March 5, 2013.