File talk:Suffrage universel 1848.jpg

I don't write politics, religion and philosophy ... but ...

"Some women organized the first traces of a feminist movement. Thus, Nathalie Lemel, a religious workwoman, and Elisabeth Dmitrieff, a young Russian aristocrat, created the Union des femmes pour la défense de Paris et les soins aux blessés ("Women Union for the Defense of Paris and Care to the Injured") on April 11, 1871. Considering that their struggle against patriarchy could only be followed in the frame of a global struggle against capitalism, the association revendicated gender equality, wages' equality, right of divorce for women, right to laïque instruction (non-clerical) and for professional formation for girls. They also demanded suppression of the distinction between married women and concubins, between legitimate and natural children, the abolition of prostitution — they obtained the closing of the maisons de tolérance (legal unofficial brothels). The Women Union also participated in several municipal commissions and organized cooperative workshops.[1] "

[1] Women and the Commune (http:/ / www. humanite. fr/ journal/ 2005-03-19/ 2005-03-19-458756), in L'Humanité, March 19, 2005

Cybrarian's note: I only mention this because understanding women in French art we need to know his story. Elizabeth Gardner and Marie Bashkirtseff were the first women to attend the Ecole de Julian. (See the Bouguereau obituary in the Gardner papers at the Smithsonian) What that has to do with "I Am the Most Interesting Book of All: The Diary of Marie Bashkirtseff" I do not know. "Nice is nice except in the summertime." Nice?